
Contribute to build an organisation where I we would love working for the rest of my life our lives.

Small team.

Diverse backgrounds.

(Kinda) Recognized.


How do we take advantage of this to:

Produce more?

Accelerate our learning?

 Increase our impact?

As a small team:

Keep ourselves free

Wear multiple hats

Keeping ourselves free:

Develop - Validate - Improve


Sajha Sabha Lite

PTMI 'Add a city'

PTMI Data Validator

Keeping ourselves free:

Adapt first approach




HOT Tasking Manager


 Municipality CMS

Wearing multiple hats:

End-to-end delivery


Concept notes.

Resource planning + Timeline.


Social media campaigns and blogs.

As a diverse team:

Encourage cross learning

Organize our knowledge

Encourage cross learning:

FedEx Day


Teams of two or three people work to produce/create something in 24 hours

Encourage cross learning:

Tech + Non Tech


Documentation/blogs/concept notes to be finalized through collaboration.


KLL Newsletter as an opportunity to cross learn.

Organize our knowledge:

Accessible documentation



Findings (if any) must be available through a shared location.

Towards a learning organisation.

Personal mastery

Mental models

Shared vision

Team learning

'Kinda' to 'legit' recognized:

Engage tech experts in conversations around civic-tech.


Increase participation in Tech meetups.

Design and organize one tech meetup focused on civic-tech.

'Kinda' to 'legit' recognized:

Media = Friends


Explore opportunities to use data driven civic tech tools through 'Civic Engagement Cell'.



Quality is key.


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