Arthur Cancellieri Pires
Mechanical Engineer
Data Scientist
Who I am
Arthur Pires
Today's presentation
Today's presentation
Typical railway problems
Advantages of CBM
There are two main ways of quantifying track quality:
There are two main ways of quantifying track quality:
Track excitations
Figure: Instrumented railway vehicle (IRV)
Today's presentation
IRV data
Data driven models
Track irregularities
Article: Experimental measurement of track irregularities using a scaled track recording vehicle and kalman filtering techniques
Author: Pedro Urda et al;
Date: 2021
Specific objective:
Today's presentation
Data analysis
Machine learning
Dynamic simulation
Dynamic simulation
Data Science
After outlier removal
With the current instrumentation, obtaining lateral irregularities from IRV data is unlikely
Data Science
Data Science
Objective: Create new variables that better relate the input to the output
Track excitations
Objective: Create new variables that better relate the input to the output
Integração numérica dos acelerômetros
Objective: Create new variables that better relate the input to the output
Data Science
After feature engineering
380 columns!
After feature selection
30 columns
Today's presentation
Machine learning
Better RMSE than 0.66 mm from Urda's research!
RMSE metric improved from 0.523 mm to 0.421 mm!
High frequency noise has been removed
Today's presentation