How many people have mobile device?
How many people are online?
How many of this peopleĀ are also watching TV show?
1 Million?
2 Million?
It's around 50
Million actually
So we have 50 Million daily patron then
and we can charge each minimum of
P 1.00 per day
By just giving them what they want
So, what do they want?
That's already is available out there
Yes, but...
Yes, but...Not the way this NEW APPROACH IS..
What's this new approach?
By combining
AR and TV
It works this way...
Popular TV show's host will just say let the GAME Begin
a QR or Image/Logo of Sponsor will
show up
user's that are awaiting on their homes begin to play a game
While pointing their mobile devices on the TV
The one with the highest point will bag the prize
Or the first one to complete the game
With this, every one is participating
every one is even more engaged with the TV show
giving the TV Show even more popularity
and another income venue that can earn 50 Million each day
50 Million we can share all :)
50 M per country
Talk to us on how to make thisĀ happen :)
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