



We are now on the digital age

People are more into their mobile device

People spent more time on their mobile devices than anything else

People are now expecting 'interactivity'

People checks more on their mobile device for "information"

So why NOT use their mobile devices as another business medium?

Further, make profit without building another MALL

but just making the same MALL INTERACTIVE

Imagine your customer approaching the Mall

The APP will sense their presence and a holographic avatar will pop-up and greet them

Give them information about what's new and what's hot

The avatar can also assist them where to find a space to park or connect to a valet

The avatar will guide them throughout their Mall visit

Giving suggestions according to their preferences

 the avatar can even "detect customers mood"

Recommend  products

Ask if customer wants to watch a movie

Reserve movie seats

Order and reserve table for lunch

delight customers by giving small talks

avatar can become customers' Mall companion

the avatar in actuality, is an


"sales person"

who can be integrated to concessionaires' system to scan the inventory and what's on sale

another thing... it'll make the customers more engaged with the Mall


by making the Mall as their interactive playground


and make them more excited because they may win special prices or even discounts


play with their friends...



let's make the Mall their adventure


their choice of Mall for their regular hangOUT


something that will be close to their heart


as we will provide them...



user experience




Thank You



the business model




I think you NOW KNOW how THIS thing can be self sustaining and can actually make great PROFIT

Let's show the WORLD that your Mall will bring the people to the future, NOW!

Get ahead the competition, Boost Profit and Popularity

make it your LEGACY...



 Let's watch AR videos then dive to hands on demo(s)

wanna see
sample ROI?



Some of the list:

  1. Concessionaires will of course want to be part of this new medium thru subscription
  2. Their products and services will be added to the app and the cost depends on how many products and how the avatar will show it (can be in simple talk, banner, video or interactive 3d hologram too)
  3. Front page or banner alike
  4. Persistent
  5. Many many others...



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