Why Scala should be your next language (after Javascript)

What is Scala?

  • Modern
  • General purpose
  • High Level
  • Object-functional
  • Compiles to Java bytecode
  • Authored by Martin Odersky

Who uses Scala?

Why is Scala awesome?

Standard library

Static Typing

  • Easier Debugging
  • Safer Refactoring
  • Better Performance

Everything is an expression

Everything is an object + infix notation*

= Scalable Language

* plus a bunch of other stuff

When to use Javascript

  • Prototyping
  • Thin API layer
  • Web servers
  • Microservices


Node is a one-trick pony, it just happens to be a really useful trick.

When to use Scala

  • Concurrent Computing
  • CPU intensive tasks
  • Tasks where number precision is critical
  • Monolithic Apps
  • Scientific computing


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