
One Sentence Creative Brief

Tell an open-minded young professional from Milan, to subscribe for a guStory ingredients and recipe box online because it will deliver a new, fun, engaging, and authentic food experience. 

Targeted Communication

Easy, interesting, fun, not
too serious, not too informal, very conversational, narrative

1) Focus on storys

2) Focus on primary offering

Site Feedback 

not so good :(


Site feedback not so good :(

But Facebook Page Gained Relative
Traction with Positive results :)


Low Signup 
Rate on Launchrock :(

rate on Page

But relatively positive
traction on Facebook

Learning 1

 Lower Sign Up From
Launchrock =

Be clear on what you want
them to do and why  

Learning 2

privacy in communication

Learning 3

Develop a feedback strategy

Generate Interest > Get Feedback

Opportunity 1

 Focus on the steps 

 Make the relationship
with the chefs clearer 

Opportunity 3

 Put a greater focus on
the email touchpoint

Opportunity 3 1/2

 Protype to find
our AHA! Moment

Next Steps 

 Create one landing page with
implemented feedback

Gather more feedback 
about events.

Connect with stakeholders


69 Likes... no wait make that 70. Woot! 

New Landing Page
Connected to new stakeholders
Feedback for the event and pricing
Using facebook as a feedback tool

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