2017, You Were Simply Awesome!
Or...Maybe We Were Awesome in 2017!
We're Global!
React Native Europe, Poland
ChainReact, Portland, USA
GDG - Mumbai
React Amsterdam
JSChannel Conf - Bangalore
Google Agency Day, London
React Meetup at Yourstory - Bangalore
TechDay London
ReactFoo, Bangalore and a lot more...
Attended and spoke at conferences, a lot!
Sneakpeak to some cool meetup clicks..
Yay! We added 30+ new ants to our colony :)
NativeBase hits 7,000+ Stars on GitHub!
We Created Awesome Products!
NativeBase Market
.... (to add)
Dream -> Idea -> Reality
Awesome New Clients!
Microsoft (via. MMAD Apps)
Noon E-commerce, UAE
ValaPay, Israel
CloudNine Hospitals, India
NeuralFrame LLC, USA etc..
We added 27 new services clients in 2017 which includes...
And also scaled up our existing clients like...
SpringTree, Netherlands
Essilor, Singapore
Cloud9 Payment, USA
Tellius, USA etc..
But wait, the best is yet to come in 2018!!
BuilderX FTW!
Fund Raising
Attending Global Conferences
Might set up an office in USA / Europe for global reach and marketing
Target to reach around ______ active users by Dec '18
@sanket :
add more points here
Are we scaling up in 2018?
Office Plans
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