Twitter: @awildtaber, Github: ataber
Full blog post on Medium, username @awildtaber
Represent geometry as the image of a function
Requires solving a hard computational geometry problem every time
Represent geometry as the kernel of a function
You trade space for time
Everything is inherently global
The magnitude of the function underestimates the distance to the nearest surface
Underestimation is important because there are some surfaces (looking at you, ellipse) which do not have closed-form distance functions
When (x,y,z) is inside (outside) the surface, the function's sign is positive (negative)
from math import sqrt
def cylinder(radius):
def equation(x, y, z):
return radius - sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
return equation
my_cylinder = cylinder(1)
assert(my_cylinder(0, 0, 0) == 1) # 1 unit inside cylinder
assert(my_cylinder(1, 0, 0) == 0) # on wall
assert(my_cylinder(2, 0, 0) == -1) # 1 unit outside cylinder
def intersection(f, g):
def intersected(x, y, z):
return min(f(x, y, z), g(x, y, z))
return intersected
def plane(normal, offset):
def equation(x, y, z):
a, b, c = normal
return x*a + y*b + z*c + offset
return equation
my_plane = plane([0, 0, 1], 0) # as in: this is myPlane get theseSnakes off it!
my_cylinder = cylinder(1)
cut_cylinder = intersection(my_cylinder, my_plane)
assert(cut_cylinder(0, 0, -2) == my_plane(0, 0, -2)) # like a plane below z = 0
assert(cut_cylinder(0, 1, 2) == my_cylinder(0, 1, 2)) # like a cylinder above z = 0
Build a syntax tree in the language of geometries and operations
Populate a grid with values of the function and use that grid to approximate the surface with triangles
Setup a camera in space, and for each pixel, send a ray to intersect the surface. Draw the intersected points to the screen
Easy to implement*
import tensorflow as tf
cylinder_tf = my_cylinder(tf.constant(0.0), tf.constant(1.0), tf.constant(2.0))
session = tf.Session()
cylinder_tf_result =
assert(cylinder_tf_result == my_cylinder(0, 1, 2))
*Some Tensorflow-specific functions are needed like tf.maximum instead of max
Works with tf.Variable and tf.Placeholder too!
min_bounds = [-1,-1,-1] # the geometric coordinate bounds
max_bounds = [1,1,1]
output_shape = [200,200,200]
resolutions = list(map(lambda x: x*1j, output_shape))
mi0, mi1, mi2 = min_bounds
ma0, ma1, ma2 = max_bounds
r0, r1, r2 = resolutions
space_grid = np.mgrid[mi0:ma0:r0,mi1:ma1:r1,mi2:ma2:r2]
space_grid = space_grid.astype(np.float32)
x = tf.Variable(space_grid[0,:,:,:], trainable=False, name="X-Coordinates")
y = tf.Variable(space_grid[1,:,:,:], trainable=False, name="Y-Coordinates")
z = tf.Variable(space_grid[2,:,:,:], trainable=False, name="Z-Coordinates")
draw_op = function(x,y,z)
session = tf.Session()
volumetric_grid =
marching_cubes(volumetric_grid) # => list of faces and vertices for rendering
Solve the equations for t:
def vector_fill(shape, vector):
return tf.pack([
tf.fill(shape, vector[0]),
tf.fill(shape, vector[1]),
tf.fill(shape, vector[2]),
resolution = (1920, 1080)
aspect_ratio = resolution[0]/resolution[1]
min_bounds, max_bounds = (-aspect_ratio, -1), (aspect_ratio, 1)
resolutions = list(map(lambda x: x*1j, resolution))
image_plane_coords = np.mgrid[min_bounds[0]:max_bounds[0]:resolutions[0],min_bounds[1]:max_bounds[1]:resolutions[1]]
# Find the center of the image plane
camera_position = tf.constant([-2, 0, 0])
lookAt = (0, 0, 0)
camera = camera_position - np.array(lookAt)
camera_direction = normalize_vector(camera)
focal_length = 1
eye = camera + focal_length * camera_direction
# Coerce into correct shape
image_plane_center = vector_fill(resolution, camera_position)
# Convert u,v parameters to x,y,z coordinates for the image plane
v_unit = [0, 0, -1]
u_unit = tf.cross(camera_direction, v_unit)
uc, vc = image_plane_coords
center = image_plane_center
image_plane = center + uc * vector_fill(resolution, u_unit) + vc * vector_fill(resolution, v_unit)
def vector_fill(shape, vector):
return tf.pack([
tf.fill(shape, vector[0]),
tf.fill(shape, vector[1]),
tf.fill(shape, vector[2]),
resolution = (1920, 1080)
aspect_ratio = resolution[0]/resolution[1]
min_bounds, max_bounds = (-aspect_ratio, -1), (aspect_ratio, 1)
resolutions = list(map(lambda x: x*1j, resolution))
image_plane_coords = np.mgrid[min_bounds[0]:max_bounds[0]:resolutions[0],min_bounds[1]:max_bounds[1]:resolutions[1]]
# Find the center of the image plane
camera_position = tf.constant([-2, 0, 0])
lookAt = (0, 0, 0)
camera = camera_position - np.array(lookAt)
camera_direction = normalize_vector(camera)
focal_length = 1
eye = camera + focal_length * camera_direction
# Coerce into correct shape
image_plane_center = vector_fill(resolution, camera_position)
# Convert u,v parameters to x,y,z coordinates for the image plane
v_unit = [0, 0, -1]
u_unit = tf.cross(camera_direction, v_unit)
uc, vc = image_plane_coords
center = image_plane_center
image_plane = center + uc * vector_fill(resolution, u_unit) + vc * vector_fill(resolution, v_unit)
# Populate the image plane with initial unit ray vectors
initial_vectors = image_plane - vector_fill(resolution, eye)
ray_vectors = normalize_vector(initial_vectors)
t = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_initializer(resolution, dtype=tf.float32), name="ScalingFactor")
space = (ray_vectors * t) + image_plane
# Name TF ops for better graph visualization
x = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(space, [0,0,0], [1,-1,-1]), squeeze_dims=[0], name="X-Coordinates")
y = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(space, [1,0,0], [1,-1,-1]), squeeze_dims=[0], name="Y-Coordinates")
z = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(space, [2,0,0], [1,-1,-1]), squeeze_dims=[0], name="Z-Coordinates")
evaluated_function = function(x,y,z)
Made exquisitely simple because we're using SDF's!
epsilon = 0.0001
distance = tf.abs(evaluated_function)
distance_step = t - (tf.sign(evaluated_function) * tf.maximum(distance, epsilon))
ray_step = t.assign(distance_step)
Just run ray_step as many times as necessary to get convergence
Since the function's value increases as you get closer to the surface, it's derivative always points inward.
Code elided, but here's pictures!
# Mask out pixels not on the surface
epsilon = 0.0001
bitmask = tf.less_equal(distance, epsilon)
masked = color_modulated_by_light * tf.to_float(bitmask)
sky_color = [70, 130, 180]
background = vector_fill(resolution, sky_color) * tf.to_float(tf.logical_not(bitmask))
image_data = tf.cast(masked + background, tf.uint8)
image = tf.transpose(image_data)
render = tf.image.encode_jpeg(image)
session = tf.Session()
step = 0
while step < 50:
step += 1 # <= returns jpeg data you can write to disk
Use tf.Variables in creating the representation and use optimization routines to increase strength to weight ratio
That way you have the image data in a tensor and you can calculate per-pixel gradients
With a day job as a neural network library
Full blog post on Medium, username @awildtaber
Twitter: @awildtaber, github: ataber
Many thanks to Íñigo Quilez, Matt Keeter, and the Hyperfun project for inspiration/ideas