How did you use media technologies in the construction, and research, planning and evaluation stages?

During my individual research stage I used the internet to research examples and analyse videos

I used YouTube to view the videos

Used Google to research the codes and conventions of music videos, websites and album work

We used Blogger to document all our work form this year, from updates, planning research to screenshots of progressions and links to various media products


I have used blogger previously so am very familiar with the website. I used Blogger to document all our work form this year, from updates, planning research to screenshots of progressions and links to various media products. We used this to show our progress throughout the year.


- Simple/easy to use
- allows embedding from different sites
- can import images and videos
- allows progress to be seen
- date and time an be seen
- labels to make things easier to find on the blog
- image sizes are difficult to adjust
- background designs are very plain
- overall website designs are very simple and not creative

I used other media platforms to present my media work and research such as Prezi, Slide-share, Powtoons, Powerpoint screenshots and Photobucket.

I found that this was a more creative way of showing what I found in my research



- Simple & easy to use
- Interesting way of presenting
- Engaging
- Animations are very basic and boring

- Video so its automatic
- large variety of styles
- limited amount of free features

- Automatically move
- gallery like platform
- website is very slow
- easy to use
- allows imports of pictures
- can't change fonts
- pictures can be filtered
- animations
- boring
- very simple

During research and planning, me and my group decided to do a questionnaire with our target audience. We made our questionnaires on standers softwares like Word and distributed them. We could have used an online questionnaire to reach a wider range of audience and therefore get amore representative answer, however, at that point in time it was easier to make hard copies.

We then recorded our target audiences answer on an iPhone 6S and edited the questionnaire on an easy to use software which was iMovie.

PLANNING - Questionnaire

- Simple/easy to use
- images can be used on timeline
- sound can be altered
- no colour correcting options
- very basic transitions

Once we had made a story board, we took pictures and edited it into the style of an animatic on iMovie and put our soundtrack behind it. This gave us a better visual understanding of how our music video would look would look, and see if our ideas would flow together in time with the music. It was extremely helpful in the planning process.

PLANNING - Storyboard

- Simple/easy to use
- images can be used on timeline
- sound can be altered
- no colour correcting options
- very basic transitions


We used a Panasonic HD Camera that was provided to us by the school. We felt as though this would be easy to use as it can be handheld and is portable and of a decent quality; hence it would be easier to take this to shoots. It was extremely simple to use as you just have to record and pause. It was important for it to be easy to use to be time efficient as when we were filming daylight was very short, and therefore it was important for us to

have a shooting schedule.

- Simple/easy to function
- portable - easy to travel with
- lightweight
- handheld filming is possible
- quality was not amazing
- no stabaliser


Although most of our shots were handheld, which is one of the conventions for the pop genre; we used a tripod for some of the shots to ensure that they were steady.

I also purchased a mini tripod which allowed us to make ours shots smoother when having camera movements such as tracking.

- Simple/easy to use
- steady filming
- stabaliser included
- allows tilting and panning
- bulky to carry
- heavy to travel with


Adobe Premiere Pro was the software we used to edit our music video. We were comfortable using this software as we had all previously used it before. We had several style such a continuity at the opening scene of the video, jump cuts, split screens, cutting to the beat of the music.

We also did colour correction to improve the colourisation of the overall music video. It is important to the pop genre to have bright colours, and as the natural lighting may have been dull sometimes, this enabled us to brighten up the footage.


I had previous experience with PhotoShop hence I was fairly confident whilst using it. It allowed me to get a professional finish to my digipak which is of course what I wanted. I used instructional videos from YouTube to enable me to get my desired effect on the image that I wanted.

The main techniques I used on photoshop were colourisation, overlays, masking, the dispersion effect and adding/taking away parts of the photo that I didn't want. The font for my digipak was from DaFont.


I had no previous knowledge of this website. At first we struggled with the design of the website, however once we figured out what template we wanted to use it; it became a lot simpler. We got used to the software fairly quick, and this resulted in a professional look. We wanted to ensure that the website was easy to navigate around and had several links.


- Allows colour correction
- visual effects eg. split screen
- allows timeline to be zoomed
- difficult to understand techniques at first

- allows clip masking
- image effects
- colourisation
- difficult to understand techniques at first, but youtube tutorials help

- several templates
- links can be added
- variety of font styles etc
- website is can be slow
- can't rotate images


We created social media links for the artist, especially for pop artists as that is how they tend to interact to their fans and allow fans to feel as though they know them on a personal level. These were easy to construct for the artist as I use some of these on a daily basis. We linked these to the website to ensure that they were all coherent. 




  • YouTube is useful during production stages, as there are instructional videos that have step by step guides helping you to get to your desired outcome.
  • Always leave extra time in case you need to re shoot
  • Plan ahead & schedule your time to ensure you are time efficient as possible
  • add several post production effects and special effects to your music videos 
  • use a camera that can auto-focus
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