We know Athol Halvorsen in varied ways. There are those who recognize him as a shrewd businessman, others look up to him for project management skills, while some consider him as a great investor in the boating industry. Regardless of how you view him, he has accomplished a lot of things in life that some of us would just wish we did.
One of the things some people don’t know about him is that he also trades in beverages. Besides Athol Halvorsen Investment in the Luxury Boat by atholhalvorsen Account on weheartit, he has created a healthy drink from scratch after years of research. Athol Halvorsen the Project Director You Want for Strategic Presentation on Slides has created the anti-aging Superfood super shake from 100% natural ingredients.
From berries, beans, seeds, and roots, he has searched the best there is to make this possible. The super shake is gluten free, dairy free, soy free, without GMO, suitable for vegans, has saturated fat, cholesterol free, among other features. This drink brings refreshment and is healthy as well. With this refreshing super shake, we get to consume all valuable stuff like antioxidants, protein, fatty acids, amino acids, minerals.
It is packed with all that is good to help you age gracefully.With these ingredients in the drink, you will stimulate your immune system to increase resistance to stress, and increase your mental stamina and well being. The flavonoids will work in your body to reduce the risks of getting risky diseases of the heart.
If you have been having that dangerous inflammation, it will help reduce them. The Resveratrol will prevent oxidation to limit cancerous cells from spreading in the body. Eventually, you’ll prevent aging.