Becoming a Successful in Business Like Athol Halvorsen


What we do habitually is what makes us a success. And what Athol Halvorsen has been doing is to invest and invest across industries. When you look at Athol Halvorsen Account on Plurk, you'll see a lot of success stories about his investments in the boating industry, beverages, project management, and in finance as well.


He has shown his progress across all these industries, which leaves many people to wonder how he pulls all this off. The first quality is, of course, visualizing the goals. It takes a lot of time to reach the success point. Just like in a marathon, you need to have the finish line. But this end is not necessarily where everything ends. When you get there, you extend the goals again.


While setting goals and visualizing the future is great, what is important is rewiring your beliefs. You do this by writing down your expectations, reading other successful ideas, and finding unique ways to approach your business. Another concept you must keep in mind is to always keep time during meetings. Arrive at agreed places fifteen minutes every time..


If you are looking for investors, in this case, people take you seriously. Tips and hacks that make Athol Halvorsen a revered project manager Presentation on SlideShare are understanding the art of communication. Therefore, you must hone your skill set in this regard and use them to create opportunities


As a business person, you will realize that sometimes there is a need to say No. It is even more important when you train yourself to accept no for an answer. Business opportunities close, and you'll get rejection along the way. The sooner you realize this and accept rejection as soon as it comes, the sooner you'll become faster to get other chances, plus earn more money.


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