Finally! After years of research, we can now enjoy Superfood Super Food Shake by Athol Halvorsen. This 100% organic product helps us age gracefully and savor natural flavors within it. It is a combination of berries, plants, seeds, roots, and beans. What makes it different? It is dairy and soy free! It is simple to use.
All you need to do is add it in coconut water, a teaspoon of manuka money and blend it with ice, and voila! This drink will amaze you during the day or a hot day. Besides its awe-striking flavor, it adds nutritional value to your body. The entire family can enjoy this superfood shake at any time of the day. Try it.
To ensure that you get the most out of Superfood Super Food Shake, Athol Halvorsen has gone above and beyond to source for ingredients across the world. The Superfood Super Food shake originates from the Amazon, Aztec Mayan, Turkish, Himalayan, Ethiopia, and Turkish.
All this effort to ensure that you get a stimulated immune system, you get equipped to be resistant to stress and adapt and maintain your physiology and make your body feel strengthened and well. In addition, you increase performance and stamina and reduce your chances of getting infections on your body. As if that is not enough, taking this superfood protects you against radiation.
You can enjoy these benefits because each serving of your superfood intake involves a plethora of ingredients. From antioxidants, amino acids, alkaloids, fatty acids, calcium, iron, fiber, resveratrol, vitamins C & A, flavonols, and polyphenols. Who doesn’t need these ingredients in their body? A lot of dedication and years have gone into this product. Research, sourcing, trials until its completion. Whether you are vegan, a health conscious individual, still growing, a busy person or a sports enthusiast, Superfood Super food shake by Athol Halvorsen will benefit you.