What I believed
about Proofs:
What I now know
about Proofs:
"I now do my mathematics with a proof assistant" - Vladimir Voevodsky (Fields Medal Winner)
"The areas I found of value and of beauty, I didn't have tools to explore" - Vladimir Voevodsky
assert (reverse [1,2]) [2,1]
assert (reverse []) []
assert (reverse [1,2,1]) [1,2,1]
import Test.QuickCheck
property_double_reverse :: [Int] -> Bool
property_double_reverse xs =
reverse (reverse xs) == xs
main = quickCheck property_double_reverse
Theorem double_reverse:
forall {A: Type} (xs: list A),
reverse (reverse xs) = xs.
Geekiest Computer Game
Theorem deMorgen:
forall x y: bool,
not (x || y) = (not x) && (not y).
Inductive nat: Set :=
| O : nat (* zero *)
| S : nat -> nat (* 1 + nat *)
(* 3 = S (S (S O))) *)
Fixpoint sum_to_n (n: nat): nat :=
match n with
| O => O
| (S n') => n + sum_to_n n'
(* sum_to_n 3 = 3 + 2 + 1 + 0 *)
Theorem sum_to_n_shortcut_works:
forall (n: nat),
2 * sum_to_n n = n * (S n).
"the overall payoff in terms of student engagement and performance on exams far exceeded my hopes"
- Using a Proof Assistant to Teach Programming Language Foundations
"Experience shows that many students do not have a very clear view of what is a proof" - Toward the use of a proof assistant to teach mathematics
"Computerized feedback ... can ease the burden on instructors and help students learn more efficiently." - Thesis - Andrew J. Haven (MIT)
Teaching Assistant
Free Book:
Theorem contains_correct:
forall (x: string) (xs: list string),
contains x xs = true <-> Contains x xs.
Inductive BonusPoints ...: Prop :=
| bonus_points:
Contains you all_contributors ->
BonusPoints you all_contributors.
Theorem lem: forall (A: Prop), A \/ not A.
(* Calculus of Inductive Constructions *)
Five Stages of Accepting Constructive Mathematics - Andrej Bauer
Theorem proof_by_contradiction:
forall P, not not P -> P.
"I want to prove that this diagram commutes,
lets suppose it doesn't" - no Category Theorist ever
"I need an algorithm, lets suppose it is not computable" - no Computer Scientist ever
Set of Strings
Set Of Strings
Proof Assistants
Dependent Types
Dependent Types?
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