A functional programming language for pico services
Continious Delivery with Containerized Microservices
I would like to compile my code without my mom and dad holding my hand.
Distance to Parents
Limiting code size with static interfaces makes code in dynamically typed languages maintainable
Microservices are the best way to get your python, ruby and node programmers to start declaring static types.
import inc "github.com/awalterschulze/picolang/funcs.Inc"
let a = inc(2)
package funcs
func Inc(i float64) float64 {
return i + 1
import map "github.com/awalterschulze/picolang/funcs.Map"
import inc "github.com/awalterschulze/picolang/funcs.Inc"
import add "github.com/awalterschulze/picolang/funcs.Add"
import reduce "github.com/awalterschulze/picolang/funcs.Reduce"
let b = map(inc, {1,2,3,4})
let c = reduce(add,0,b)