Contents Page Analysis

Vibe Magazine Contents Page


The heading of this contents page magazine is broken up into three phrases which implies that the magazine is maybe more rough and doesn't have a subtleness to it.  To add to that having it in white bold fonts attracts the attention to the audience so this is the first text they look at so they know what the magazine is all about. Also the model has made a 'V' shape with her legs to make it more prominent as it wasn't before because it has a white thin outline of the letter 'V'. Having high heels on just adds to that more feminine look to the magazine. The heading take up more or less just under half a page which empherzies to the audiences that the heading is what allows the readers to be attracted to it and then wanting them to read on. The colour of the writing is in white where this colour is only used once in the magazine in terms of text and shows its importance to the magazine and so that it takes a big part with the connection of the audiences.  

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​The look that is trying to be portrayed here is a very seductive look as we can see from the facial expression as she is looking into the camera directly but is done more subtly than compared to other which are more prominent. Another feature from the image is that she has her legs facing upwards as she is in a lying position and therefore her figure is shown more through her positioning. The lighting that is used for this image also gives the image an affect of black and white as part of her face is darkened while the front side is lighter and so from this the audience are attracted to her because she implies that perfection look that most girls go out looking for. To add to this the legs also shows a dark and lighter effect as they head towards the masthead which is in a white colour. The costume that she is also wearing empherzies that she links in with fashion but the colour worn also blends in with the background therefore not giving a great deal of attention to the clothing as more attention is given to the legs and body. 


The layout of this page is very basic and everything is kept to a minimum by this I mean that only simple colours are used with a variety between the two of black and white and also the text to kept to a minimum with small text which is maybe hard to read for the audience but the heading are bold and so give a sense of an idea to the audience what the magazine will be about. The main focus of the magazine is the model this is because she is placed directly in the middle of the page and so therefore take most of the space on the page, due to the long shot as this is the only feature on the page which is most visible to the readers at first sight.  Furthermore the text is all around the model which also shows that the text is of less significance compared to the model and the bigger heading which are bolder.


Features on this page are made less prominent therefore show less signicance. However the text in blue are the ones that show which page the story is on and therefore making it more easily navagatable to the readers but again this is done is small text and so more concentration will be needed to read the features. Having said that the blue allows the page to be a bit more brighter than what it already is and allow some of the text to stand out.


The type of language used here is very simple and on point by this i mean that its precise in the information it wants on the page. Their is only certain information that they want to present and this can be done through the market research that the magazine could of done for them to know all of this because this shows that they are aiming their magazine at a specific audience. 'boys to men'  to make them feel like they have changed and more importance is given to them. The overall general language used here is the typical girl type of language 'white boy who turned you out' it implies that this particular type of contents page has a lot to do with relationships and maybe what females generally think about it as well as males, where its more about feeling and how to deal with them, then celebrities in particular. This all links in with the main image of the female and the way her posture is therefore that is transferred in the text.  Theres is limited amount of text on here and what is on here is talking about similar things but maybe with different people and in terms of fashion not a lot is revealed as it says about the good and bad clothing combination which is seen further on in the magazine. 

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