Contents Page  Analysis

Top Of The Pops Music Magazine


The masthead here is the boldest title which stands out compared to everything else on the page, it in a simple font therefore making it look professional but having said that it gives it a kind of childish look with the 'O' colored in black just so that 'love' in the title is the one that attracts the readers. The masthead also has continue dots after the title suggesting that their is more to read on and so they are trying to attract the attention of the audience so it makes them want to read on and know about what the theme of the story is.  In addition to this having a white background with black writing gives the magazine a hint of a classic look, but also having a pink border across the title around the page gives it that funky look which they have applied appropriately to the youth feel. Also the addition of 'We' at the top of the magazine suggest that the audience are involved with the magazine.  As the overall look of the title gives a prominate look to the whole magazine and therefore attracts the reader directly into the magazine and intrigues them to read on.


The images used here are of the Saturday's group the image that they portray here is quite seductive and appealing to not just girls but also boys they way that their posture is all slanted and their facial expression say sit all that their the more 'chicky' type and so they are implying a really famine look out to the audience which bring out the sort of personality that they have. As this type of image suggest a more relaxing look and therefore the magazine is not so formal in terms of the topics that will be discussed about. The medium close up shot of the girls makes the magazine look more personal to the reader becauase they are looking directly into the audience therefore connecting with them.Furthermore having the number on the bottom right of the images in a different colour stands out on the page as this is the only yellow colour used throughout the whole contents page. The main image of the girls has a bigger number beside them to show that this is the main focus of the page while the other side images are smaller and have smaller numbers beside them, This also allow the reader to navigate through the page more easily. Also the main image in positioned in the center of the page so that its the most visible to the audience, as this is what will attract them.


This type of magazine consist of 'inside this month' which directs the audience to all the different topics that are included in the magazine alongside the page number so the audience know which page the story is on. this therefore persuades the audience to read on about the topics which leads them into buying the magazine. To add to this the sticker at the top of the page says 'snuggles with the SATS' by abbreviating the original name of the group shows that this type of magazine is trying to attract teenagers as its the way that they would speak making the magazine more friendly towards them. Having on of the singers signature at the bottom of her story implies that it becomes more interacting with the audience as they are trying to connect with them by making it more personal, as they are sharing a story with them which is hinted by the picture of what it will be about. In contrast to this their are small subheading with each image which gives the audience of what the story will contain pulling the audience towards the magazine.

Colour scheme

The colour scheme that is used here is very vibrate and mixed gender colours but also being very stereotypical because its aiming at both girls and guy and so directing pink to girls and blue to boys where the parts of the text are to do with boys. The main colour scheme that is used is pink, black and white, however the black is used consistently throughout the page making that stand out compared to everything else in the page. But, the black and pink alternate so that they writing isn't all one colour making the text look boring and not viable but to make it attract the audience with brighter colours and different colour for each text so that they stand out from larger chunks of text. Their is a consistently of the colour blue used for each of the quotes relating to the appropriate picture this is because this is where the make voice is added and so to hint that its coming from a male voice or the topic is being talked about includes a male. Therefore each colour in this magazine symbolizes a character to the related picture or text.


the type of language used in this magazine is very informal and frank with its target market as its aiming to specifically teenagers and so that kind of language will be used, such as 'undress 1D completely for free' this can be seen as a colloquial type of language where they are using a rude way of celebrities in order to gain the attention of the readers and keeping them involved in the magazine.This type of language is used so that the magazines comes across as if they where talking to the audience and so similar words and phrases will be used for them to attract the readers attention. Having a little bit of everything in the magazines means that a lot of people will be able to relate to it and therefore more people will be interested in it because they are able to show a connection to the magazine 'i was in pieces'  this shows a typical, stereotypical type of girl and how they feel about relationships. 

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