Music Contents Page 

Clash Contents Page 


The heading is printed onto two pages this makes it bold and so can easily attract the attention of the reader making them immediately look at the heading at first sight. Furthermore its also written in black with a white background allow the text to stand out compared to the other text as the font is big so that its filled all the way to the top of the page and so this is was makes it so noticeable. The contrast between the two colours makes the page look professional and more appealing towards the viewers because of the bold font size. To add to this the issue number is placed in the 'T' shape therefore this awares the audience as to how long the magazine has been established for but makes the heading that little bit more interesting for the readers, captivating them and so once they have looked at the heading they are persuaded to look at the whole page. This is a different layout compared to normal magazine as they only take up one page but by taking up two pages makes the magazine unique and so attracting the attention of the readers. 

Iconic Images 

Images are located on both pages so that they are spread out from each other making it more easier for the audience to appreciate each image separately, the images are also beside the sub text so that it gives an indication to the reader which text links in with which picture therefore there are page number 'p68' on top of the images this allows the viewer to know which page they can read more about that specific image. To add to this the page numbers are put into colours of blue and pink this is because the pink associates with the female artist and the blue bubble with the male images, this can come across to be stereotypical. The shape of the images are also seen to be of similar shape so that the images don't lose the professional look. Each image is also taken in various of shot angels and show different expression on each image, this engages the audience as they will be curious as what each image represents in words. 


The layout of the page is separated into different headings as the features are placed on the left hand side of the page with heading that are bolder than the sub text allowing them to stand out as the colour of the text is the same, the word feature itself is in a very light colour and so is difficult to notice it this then makes it hard for the viewers to read the heading. However coming back onto the blue and pink colours the blue is highlighted in a solid line which is attracting males and the pink solid line is attracting females as this is done prominently to enable the audience know which sections is aimed at which audience. Having the features separated from this shows that the features are more important in order to attract the viewers attention. The layout itself is organised in a professional manner to allow the readers to want to look at the magazine page but also because having the page look appealing will attract the attention of the audiences. 

Colour Scheme

House style throughout the pages uses three main colours consistently across the pages which is blue pink black and the white background, which gives it that neutral look to the page and therefore allows the others colours to stand out more effectively to enable the audience to be attracted to the page. Using these bright colours implies that its a music magazine as colour is what brings the page to life and makes the readers want to look at the page. Black and white portrays a classic combination when put together making the page look attractive and appealing. 

Cover Story 

The cover story is given a totally different colour bubble showing is importance compared to the other as its in red, the red colour itself symbolizes importance as its bold and stands out from the rest. Seeing as the background colour of the image is in gold colour also implies that this will be the main and most interesting artical diverting the readers attention to the the image. Having a medium shot allows the audience to interact with the male as you are able to see his posture and facial expression as his back is up right straight showing his importance in the magazine. He is also holding props which is quite hard to recognize what this is and so by this effect this makes the audience curious making them flick to page 46. 


The type of language used is very basic and colloquial as its trying to attract a certain target market which seems to look like teenagers and the kind of things that they are into. As the type of pictures used link in with the same type of words used to describe those images 'gruffy' this implies that the text is very informal and the sort of words that would be used in day to day life and so also suggests the kind of people that would read this. Words also like 'clash news' shows that the magazine is full of new gossips that clash has found out and so makes the readers feel left out if they don't have a read of this because their will be something different therefore your missing out, and to emphasis that phrases like clash selection and personality of clash makes the audience think that clash have their own exclusive gossip and more things can be found out here but its also portrayed in a secretive way so that the overall images makes it look like no one else will be see the same thing.  

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