Music Magazine Contents Page

Mojo Contents Page 


The masthead is on its own at the top of the page written in big bold capitalized writing from this the audience can see that at first attraction when looking at the page this also shows its importance to the page because its on its own, this creates a bigger impact on the reader because there attraction is focus on the title. To add to this, this magazine doesn't show clearly that it is a contents page but instead carries the title to this page to empherzies which magazine they are looking at as this can give them a lot of recongition because if they like the magazine then they know which one it is because its said at the top of the page for viewers who where looking at this for the first time and so then this will stay in there minds as to which magazine it was. The colour of the title is also the same colour as the background allowing the two to blend together this produces a link between the two which represents that something dull and dark is going to be spoken about. Also the cities underneath of the masthead is of a smaller font but in capital letters again attracting the audiences attention. 


The iconic image is of a close up of a female here we can see her facial expressions which come across to be aggressive and so this is what engages the reader. Furthermore they way her hair is covering half of her face suggest to the audience that she is hiding parts of herself this attracts the attention of the readers, to add to this the image of the female is in a light black and white tone this suggest to the audience that the main artical will be a bit gloomy. The costume of the ionic figure is also in black and white this empherzies on the appearance of the female and what she is trying to portray here is that she is lonely therefore maybe the artical is talking about her history. The overall effect of the image gives a powerful look due to the positioning of the female in the bottom center of the page. 

House Style 

The use of colours dark blue and red are the only colours used on the page the two colours gives a subtle effect on the page. As the features and page numbers are in red this stands out so that the audience know which page to go to immediately looking at the heading of the features as they are in blue and bigger and bolder allowing the reader to distinguish between the two and being able to read it clearly. As the main articles are highlighted in red attracting the readers attention to this. The cover story is also kept separate from the other texts showings its importance on the page. 


The laypout of this page is appropriate for the theme of the page as its perfect with the amount of information on it and a picture to describe everything.  As the audience is able to navigate across the page without getting muddled up with what is going on. The features go across the top of the page with the cover story near the bottom above the image, as this implies that the cover story is about the female along side a side quotation on the left hand side of the page surrounding the image.  The background of the page also has a natural field image that's slightly blurred which sets the atmosphere of the page and therefore stands out from the rest of the content pages but also stands out to the audience in this contents page. 


The type of language used here is very subtle but also dramatic in terms of the content that is being spoken about, as its made out to look like a mystery.  They have added numbers instead of letters to emphasis  the importance of the number but also allows it to stand out more as this is a technique used in order to attract the attention of the audience. A powerful word like 'slayer' implies that something dull but also fascinating is being talked about but also adds to the fact to intrigue the audience in by outing such powerful words to describe the contents as it mixes with the background colour and theme and so makes the readers wanting to read that and so to make it easier for the target audience the number is given on the side so that they can immediately turn to that page and read the whole story.  The use of 'ocean'  and 'drift back again'  suggest to the readers that its going to be a dull and personal story that is drawing the readers attention and this page is slightly different from the others because its more personal and talks about deep down emotion and isn't the normal colourful and hyped stories that would be used and so this is what makes this contents page so unique.

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