"Taking opportunities to places where talent exists"
"Work like someone is working 24 hours a day to take it all away from you."
- Mark Cuban
30% you sleep
Use Zapier to automate Workflows
Professional speed: 100 words per minute
Save up to 21 days per year.
Resources: bit.ly/pesto-equipments
Tools: Notion.so, Dropbox paper
Resource: Gitlab Handbook
Tools: Loom, Dropbox, MonoSnap
Tool: Monosnap
Due to high workload, I am currently checking and responding to e-mail twice daily at 12:00pm and 4:00pm.
"Due to high workload, I am currently checking and responding to e-mail twice daily at 12:00pm ET [or your time zone] and 4:00pm ET.
If it's urgent, please schedule a quick 15 min Zoom call at 9pm ET at this Calendly Link."
How many countless hours have these saved you?
Always Give back: Mentor Junior Developers, Work on Open source projects.
"Read 500 pages every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it." — Warren Buffett
Facebook: aayushjaiswal07
Twitter: aayushjaiswal07
Medium: aayushjaiswal07
Instagram: aayushjaiswal07
Feel free to get in touch :)