
The differences from other species and more!

Key Words

-Amniote: amniotic sack; egg sack

-Bilateral: symmetrical body


Tyrannosaurus Rex

How are chickens and the legendary T-Rex similar?

First off, the T-Rex and the chicken share nine traits, this makes them very close on the  large tree of evolution. Even thought the chicken has evolved independently from the T-Rex, they still share several traits. They branched off at the trait for amniotes!


It's hard to take in the fact that chickens did actually share the same ancestor with a meerkat. Chickens and meerkats share six common traits, even though they evolved independently. They are both amniotes and thats where they branched off.

Black Tipped Shark

These sharks share six common traits and their common ancestor lived 470 million years ago. The last trait they have before the broke off was that both of them have jaws. 

Rust Fungi

The rust fungi and the chicken only share two traits and their common ancestor lived over a billion years ago. So these species don't have as much in common as others.

Potter Wasp

The last trait that both wasp and chicken share is the bilateria trait. Their ancestor is over 800 million years old!! 


We share six traits with chickens! The last trait we share before a branch off is that we are both amniotes. Our common ancestor is about 300 million years old!

Masked Duck

The masked duck and the chicken go way back and are way more close to each other than the T-Rex. They share 10 traits!! And they branch off from the same ancestor of about 87 million years ago.

Citations! (nova labs)

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