Bayview Risk Management Capital is a debt seller that specializes in the acquisitions and sales of charged-off consumer debt. We research and analyze each of our purchases prior to acquisition.
Bayview RMC does not exclusively sell portfolios for other companies. We purchase our debt portfolios before we sell them. This give us more control over pricing, availability and the ability to custom fit a portfolio for you. It also allows us to provide you with the confidence that you are looking for when making a debt purchase. We stand behind our services and portfolios. We diligently strive to provide our clients the highest return on their investment by delivering what we believe to be quality debt portfolios.
(866) 546-9088
Bayview Risk Management Capital
111 2nd Avenue N.E. #900
St Petersburg, FL 33701, USA
(866) 546-9088
Bayview Risk Management Capital
111 2nd Avenue N.E. #900
St Petersburg, FL 33701, USA
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