(Don't blame Jekyll!)
layout: post
title: I Love My Cat
description: A post about my cat
related: ["My Eight Cats and I", "Kittens!!"]
categories: jellybeans, kittens
{{ page.title }}
# => I Love My Cat
{{ page.description }}
# => A post about my cat
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% if page.related contains post.title %}
# display post link
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
We can use YAML and liquid tags to create custom post types.
Add a new file to _layouts
Add code to customize layout
Customize front matter
layout: post
title: "It's Jekyllicious!"
description: Tips and Tricks for Blogging with Jekyll
date: 2016-6-03
twitter_text: "It's Jekyllicious!!"
https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text="{{ page.twitter_text }}
"%20{{ site.url }}{{ page.url }}%20via%20@{{ site.twitter_username }}
Gems can be included in a Gemfile or installed individually. If you have a lot of customizations, or want to make it easy for others to clone your site, definitely use a Gemfile.
Plugins like Disqus will allow visitors to comment on your posts.
These comment form plugins provide a back-end to store form entries and notify you via email.
Google Analytics provides a tracking code that can be integrated as an HTML file.
CloudCannon or Octopress might help to make Jekyll more user-friendly for non-developers.