Ein eigener Log-Server mit Graylog
Extractors (MongoDB, Heroku, syslogs, ...)
"Parser Definitionen" in JSON (ähnlich zu GROK Patterns bei Logstash) [Extractors are applied on message inputs and instruct Graylog2 how to structure unstructured parts of a log message. ]
Content Packs (nginx, etc.) [Content packs are bundles of Graylog2 input, extractor, stream, dashboard and output configurations that can provide full support for a data source. Some content packs are shipped with Graylog2 by default and some are available from this web site. Packs that were downloaded from here can be imported using the Graylog2 web interface.] https://www.graylog.org/resource/content-pack/547b5021e4b0a06d87eea01e/