Lean methodology History
Agile & Scrum
Lean in shift team ?
Start years 1900
Henry ford
One unique model called "ford T" lasting 26 years
6 colors
Six body styles THAT'S IT!
Kiichiro Toyoda
enhancing manufacturing methods
JIT (just-in-time)
"the decision from anyone to stop and fix problems as they occur rather than pushing them down the line to be resolved later"
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"Making only what is needed, only when it is needed, and only in the amount that is needed"
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Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company's philosophy.
Become a learning organization through relentless reflection and continuous improvement
Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others.
Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes.
Standardized tasks and processes are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment.
Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time.
Level out the workload.
Use "pull" systems to avoid overproduction.
Create a continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface.
- 2003: "Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit" book by Mary and Tom Poppendieck
if you want to know more about lean history
check this book
Agile is a set of principles for software development under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams.
It advocates adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continual improvement, and it encourages flexible responses to change.
The term "Agile" was popularized by the Agile Manifesto, which was written in 2001 by a group of software developers who sought to create a more efficient and flexible approach to software development.
Scrum is a framework used to implement Agile development.
Events (Ceremonies) > These are the Sprint Planning meeting, Daily Scrum (or stand-up), Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.
Roles > 3 primary roles :
Artifacts >
Sprints >
Common metrics
Lead time for changes: the time elapsed between committing code and deploying it to production
Deployment frequency: how often an organization deploys to production
Change failure rate: the percentage of deployments causing failures in production
Time to restore service: how long it takes an organization to recover from failures in production, also more commonly known as mean time to recovery
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