Road Completion Project
Towards a quality checked and complete open road network for Belgium
Ben Abelshausen
OpenStreetMap Belgium
- Excellent basemap.
- Excellent state of transport-related data
- Good quality road network.
- Good quality transit data.
- Reasonable landuse.
- Basic address coverage
How far along are we?
How do we know?
What if things change?
Not about importing data!
Not about changing the way we map!
- Change detection, spot changes faster
- Completeness & quality assurances.
Loop 1
Loop 2
- Convert source data (shapefiles, wegenregister)
- ogr2ogr : reproject and convert to geojson
- nodejs : convert attributes to OSM-tags
=> this makes the comparion process independent of source.
- mapbox/tippecanoe : split into vector tiles
- Distributed comparison process:
- mapbox/tilereduce : process tiles in parallel.
OSM (buffers)
(v 0.1)
(v 0.1)
(v 0.1)
(v 0.1)
(v 0.1)
(v 0.1)
A lot of isolated cases: Maproulette
- allows to work on case-by-case
- keeps track of cases done
- allows mappers to report false positives
- doesn't change the mapping process
- has an API that allows us to:
- automatically generate the false-positives db
- re-run the comparison
Loop 1
Loop 2
Do this is in the open, use open-source tools and open-data so everyone can run their own!
Is OSM still relevant when we have ML and all that open data?
Is OSM still relevant with all this open-data?
Usually open-data is collected by and for the government and you are not part of that process!
"The human factor"
Use the trend to improve our own data
At the same time keep our 'chaotic structure' and openness alive
Use the trend of ML-driven solutions to generate data/quality check data to improve our own data
At the same time keep our 'chaotic structure' and openness alive
(because we are a big diverse community)
Who can compete with this?
(almost) nobody
(and we need sponsors!)
I am:
Ben Abelshausen
Board member of OpenStreetMap Belgium/Open Knowledge Belgium
Routing and mobility expert: