Week 2 TA Review


  • Week 2 review: Brainstem topography and functional levels
  • Week 3 preview: Forebrain Topography and Functional Levels and the Basal Ganglia
  • Q&A

Week 2 Review

Warm-up Exercises

Ventral Brainstem

From memory, draw and label:

  • Ventral brainstem and it's parts
  • Cranial nerves
    • Sensory, motor or both?
  • "Bumps" and sulci

Posterior Brainstem

From memory, draw and label:

  • The medulla, pons and midbrain.
  • Cranial nerves.
  • Cerebellar peduncles.
  • All the "bumps", bodies and 

Spinal Cord Sections

Draw and label the following sections of the brainstem:

  • Caudal Medulla
  • Rostral Medulla
  • Caudal Pons
  • Middle Pons
  • Rostral Pons
  • Caudal Midbrain
  • Rostral Midbrain


Include the cranial nerves present in each section.

Specimen/Image Quiz

Caudal Pons

Caudal Pons

Rostral Medulla

Rostral Medulla

Caudal medulla

Middle Pons

Rostral Pons

Rostral Pons

Caudal Midbrain

Rostral Midbrain

Week 3 Preview

3D model walk through

Which structures do you struggle to identify?

Label the following:

Label the following:

Label the following:

Label the following

Draw a diagram depicting the circuitry of the basal ganglia

Circuitry of Basal Ganglia

Cerebral Cortex

Compact nigra

+D1     Striatum     -D2

Lateral pallidum

Subthalamic nucl.

Medial Globus Pallidus

Ventral Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus

Direct Pathway

Indirect Pathway

Disinhibition of movement

Inhibition of competing movement

Parkinson's Disease

Huntington's Disease


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