Attention and Task Switching

The farce and folly of multitasking

Benjamin T. Carter, PhD

Collaborative Science & Innovation


  • Basic understanding attention theory.
    • What is it? What types are there?
    • How does it work?
  • How it relates to productivity.
  • Methods for leveraging/protecting it.



Refers to the allocation of neurological resources to the sensing, processing and interpretation of specific, discrete stimuli to the exclusion of all other stimuli of a lesser priority. This is usually coupled with action directly associated with the stimulus of interest.

Selective Attention

  • Attentional processes we have conscious control over.
  • Multiple models
    • Broadbent's Filter Model
    • Treisman's Attenuation Model
    • Late Selection Model
    • Multimode Model
  • All models contain the following elements
    • Sensory input
    • Processing
    • Filtering
    • Semantic analysis/Perception
    • Short term memory/awareness
    • Response (output)

Models of Selective Attention

Broadbent's filter model

Treisman's Attenuation

Late Selection Model

Divided Attention

Studies of divided attention tasks (i.e. multitasking) demonstrate decreases in task performance in terms of accuracy, skill and even memory of the task.


The effect is modulated by task complexity and relatedness but does not disappear.

Divided Attention

Strayer 2007, Cell phone induced driver distraction.

  • Hands-free cellphone use
  • Pre-smartphone (iPhone came out in 2006).
  • Dual-task drivers
    • Blindness - less likely to remember seeing objects they looked at.
    • Brake-check ERP for P300 decreased by 50% (reduced cognitive resources).


Texting While Walking

Courtemanche, 2019

Texting While Walking

Courtemanche, 2019

Why is there a performance loss when dividing our attention?

Attentional Bottleneck

Human cognition has a limited processing power - we only have some many neurons available.


There are also sensory constraints - e.g. fovea = thumb

Attentional Inertia

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Attention & Productivity

Task Switching

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Myths of Digital Native and Multitasker

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Attention & Productivity

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Parting Thoughts



Benjamin T. Carter, PhD

Collaborative Science & Innovation



Attention and Task Switching

The farce and folly of multitasking

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