Introduction to

PSYH 399R/496R


Course Purpose

The purpose of the this course is to enable students to complete a psychology-related internship experience, leverage it for increased student learning about the professional work environment, and prepare them for future jobs and/or education.

Course Objectives

  1. Placement of each student in a professionally enhancing work setting. 
  2. Provide students with time to critically reflect on the connections between their work experience and the content of psychology and articulate these work-related insights.
  3. Develop professional skills and attitudes.
  4. Develop more effective verbal and written communication skills relevant to internship and other work settings.
  5. Create goals, in conjunction with a supervisor, and evaluate the realization of said goals.

Course Materials

BYU Bookstore

BYU Bookstore


Learning Assessments

(How I know the Course Objectives are reached)

1. Internship Placement

Department Internship Coordinator:

Karen Christensen (, 945 KMBL)

Learning Assessments

  • Accountability Assignment
  • Résumé and Cover Letter Assignment
  • Midsemester Evaluation
  • Digital Dialogues
  • Internship Open House
  • Weekly Log
  • Time Sheet
  • Self Evaluation
  • Supervisor Evaluation
  • Internship Profiling Questionnaire
  • Final

Learning Assessments for Objectives 2-5

Learning Activities

Accountability Assignment

Midsemester Evaluation

Self Evaluation

Supervisor Evaluation

Internship Profiling Questionnaire

Digital Dialogues

Résumé and Cover Letter

Internship Open House

Weekly Logs

Time Sheet


Selected Course Policies

Writing Assignment Format

APA Style

Due Dates and Late Work

  • All assignments (except the Poster) are due at 11:59pm MT.
  • The poster is due at 7pm MT on the last day of the semester.
  • A 3.3% deduction per day late will applied to overdue assignments.
  • All assignments not turned in by the last day of finals will be automatically entered as a 0.
  • Students who add the class late are required to make up missed work.
    • You have as many days to make it up as you have missed or until the last day of class. Which ever comes first.

Random Policies Created As a Result of Experince

  • Repeat Students
  • Changes to internship time commitment (IRAMS contract)
    • No reductions will be approved.
  • Loss of Internship
    • You are responsible for finding a new one.
    • Start with Karen Christensen.
  • Workplace Misconduct & Respectful Environment
  • Cheating & Plagiarism – Why?!

Professionalism and Étiqueté

  • Be on time.
  • Be appropriately groomed and dressed.
  • Mind you manners.
  • Don't make excuses.
  • Act within your expertise.
  • Go the extra mile without being asked.

Good Luck!

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