Week 4 TA Review


  • Week 5 preview: Lower Motor Neurons - Cranial and Spinal Cord
  • Week 4 review: Forebrain Topography and Functional Levels and the Basal Ganglia
  • Q&A

Week 5 Preview


Grab a brain model. Find the cranial nerves on the model. Point to them. State their function, signs and laterality (ipsilateral, bilateral and contralateral).


Navigate to Washington brain atlas sections. Can you find the nerves and their nuclei?

Fill in the box

Nerve/Nucleus Function Signs (I/B/C)
Oculomotor (CN III) Superior levator, superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus and inferior oblique eye muscles Ipsilateral
Ptosis (drooping eye lid)
Mydriasis (dilated pupil)
Opthalmoplegia (paralysis of eye muscles)
Down & out eye
Trochlear (CN IV) Superior oblique eye muscle Contralateral to nuclues
Ipsilateral to nerve
Extorsion (hard to look down and in)
Unconscious head tilt
Trigeminal (CN V) Muscles of mastication
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
Muscular atrophy
Jaw deviation towards side of lesion
Difficulty chewing
Abducens (CN VI) Lateral rectus muscle Ipsilateral
Esotropia (cannot abduct eye)
Facial (CN VII) Muscles of facial expression Ipsilateral
Paralysis of facial expression muscles
Lack of salivation, lacrimation
​Glossopharyngeal (CN IX), ​Vagus (CN X), ​Accessrory (CN XI) Palatal, pharyngeal, and laryngeal muscles, accesory spinal muscles Ipsilateral
Vocal muscle paralysis
Contralateral deivation of uvula 
​Hypoglossal (CN XII) Tongue muscles Ipsilateral
Ipsilateral deviation of the tongue

Define lower motor neuron syndrome.


What is the mechanism of these symptoms?


Give the name, function and symptoms of the following structures.

LMN Spinal injury

This section came from L2 of the spinal cord.


What symptoms generally would you expect to see if there was a lesion in this region of the spinal cord?

Myotatic Reflex

Draw a diagram of the Myotactic reflex arc.

Inverse Myotatic Reflex

Draw a diagram of the inverse myotactic reflex arc (Golgi tendon reflex).

Week 4 Review

Warm-up Exercises

Atlas Cruise

In BrainStorm, select gross dissections. Starting in the dorsal orientation, find the following structures:

Can you do it in ventral, midsagittal or sagittal orientations?

  • Superior frontal gyrus
  • Superior frontal sulcus
  • Middle frontal gyrus
  • Inferior frontal sulcus
  • Inferior frontal gyus
  • Lateral sulcus/fissure
  • Precentral sulcus
  • Precentral gyrus
  • Central sulcus
  • Postcentral gyrus
  • Postcentral sulcus
  • Superior parietal lobule
  • Intraparietal sulcus
  • Inferior parietal lobule
  • Anterior paracentral lobule
  • Posterior paracentral lobule
  • Marginal sulcus
  • Precuneus
  • Supramarginal gyrus
  • Angular gyrus
  • Occipital gyri
  • Superior temporal gyrus
  • Superior temporal sulcus
  • Middle temporal gyrus
  • Inferior temporal sulcus
  • Inferior temporal gyrus
  • Cingulate gyrus
  • Corpus callosum
    • rostrum
    • genu
    • body
    • splenium
  • Parieto-occipital sulcus
  • Cuneus
  • Calcarine sulcus
  • Lingual gyrus
  • Uncus
  • Occipitotemporal gyrus
  • Parahippocampal gyrus
  • Longitudinal fissure
  • Collateral sulcus
  • Occipitotemporal sulcus
  • Preoccipital notch

Fact Quiz



The following questions are multiple choice. The answer options will be hidden at first. If possible, try to answer the question without seeing the options first.

  1. Internal capsule
  2. Corpus callosum
  3. Anterior commisure
  4. Corona radiata

What is the primary projection fiber system of the brain?

  1. Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia (on the right side)
  2. Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia (on the left side)
  3. Contralateral neglect syndrome (on the left side)
  4. Contralateral neglect syndrome (on the right side)

An individual has sustained a lesion to their right calcarine sulcus. What deficits should be present?

  1. the premotor cortex, paresis
  2. the parietal association cortex, astereognosis
  3. the primary visual cortex, visual agnosia
  4. the temporal association cortex, inability to localize sound

A lesion within _______ is characterized by ______ .

  1. Cingulate sulcus, cingulate gyrus.
  2. Inferior temporal sulcus, inferior temporal gyrus.
  3. Collateral sulcus, parahippocampal gyrus.
  4. Marginal sulcus, precuneus.

________ borders the fusiform gyrus and the _______ .

Specimen/Image Quiz

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure

Label the structure


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