
CrossLead Engineering - 1/3/17 

  • Syntax Differences
  • Type System
  • Development Workflow

Syntax Differences

function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;

TypeScript   ES5

Syntax Differences: Iterator Symbol

const s = new Set([1,3,4,5,6]);

// when targeting es5 or less, 
// doesn't work => runtime error if file is JS...
for (let el of s) {

// does work
for (let el of Array.from(s)) {

TypeScript   ES6

Syntax Differences: New Syntax

// enumeration object
enum STATUS {

// instance prop
class User {
  constructor(public name, private id) {}

namespace Tyr {
  export function collection() {}

Type System: Annotations

function add(a: number, b: number) {
  return a + b;

Type System: Type Aliases

type Status = 'ACTIVE' | 'INACTIVE' | 'DELETED';

type List = {
  element: number,
  next: List | void

type HasA = { a: string };

type HasB = { b: Status };

type HasBoth = HasA & HasB; // { a: string, b: Status }

type A = HasA['a']; // string

function myFunction(a: number): number { //... }

type NumberToNumberFn = typeof myFunction; // (a: number) => number

Type System: Type Predicates

interface PromiseLike {
  then(): number;

function isPromiseLike(obj: any): obj is PromiseLike {
  return (
    obj && 
    obj.then && 
    typeof obj.then === 'function'

Type System: Mapped Types

const a = {
  x: 1,
  y: 2,
  z: 'hello'

const AType = typeof a;
const KeyOfA = keyof AType; // -> 'x' | 'y' | 'z';

type OptionalATypes = {
  [P in KeyOfA]?: AType[P];

Type System: Interfaces + Generics


interface ID_able {
  id: number;

interface ID_and_prop extends ID_able {
  prop: string;

class Test implements ID_and_prop {}

interface Constructable<T> {
  new (...args: any[]): T;

Type System: Generics continued


Type System: Declaration Files


// -> import gulp from 'gulp'; -> gulp: any;
declare module 'gulp';

// declare module with some type information
declare module 'jquery' {
  var $: Function; 
  export default $;

// augment existing interface
declare module 'express' {
  interface Request {
    user: Tyr.User;

Development Workflow

  • tsconfig.json
  • @types

Development Workflow: Best Practices

  • Interface Composition
  • Type files
  • Function parameters
  • Use interfaces for complex, type alias for simple/primative


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