Why is it hard, and how to do it at scale
Cairo c'est une part de gateau, c'est juste du Python avec des pointeurs
– Quelqu'un de très optimiste
Je comprends pas, j'ai installé mon venv dans un pyenv sur mon python 3.8 installé par conda et ça marche pas
– Le propriétaire d'un ordi qui souffre
It is hard to understand at first sight. Even for people coming from Solidity.
It's even harder to install the tooling.
Teaching developers how to be proficient in a new technology is an old and well-known problem.
Who are the best-in-class players?
The Rust ecosystem is famous for the quality of its educational material.
Meet Rustlings!
Easy to install
Progressive content
Autonomous learning
Flawless experience
Easy to install
Progressive content
Autonomous learning
Flawless experience
Was trying out the tutorials, really cool onboarding exercises 💪
– just-fred
Workshop at the DevConnect Amsterdam
Automated tests to validate the workshop exercises
CLI that interactively tests the exercises one after the other
Workshops in Miami and Paris (this afternoon!)
Protostar embedding to reduce the installation prerequisites
On-chain certification enables premium access to qualified content
We are here
First things first, developers must learn how to code in Cairo. They do it the way they want, one concept at a time.
Once a skillset is mastered by a dev, we deliver an on-chain certification that can be used as a privileged access to specific content
Now that the developer is able to efficiently work on a real-world use case, we engage them on contributions to the Starknet ecosystem
Whether you are a newcomer or an experienced Starknet developer, come and talk to us!