1. Location Works


We thought this location was a great one, as it was dark and spacious, which was what we wanted to use for our last scene in our music video 'The Mafia Scene'.  It had the type of aesthetics that we had in our ideas, and therefore we decided to contact them.

However, as this space is used for filming and many other things, there would be a fee if we would want to rent out the space. Therefore, we couldn't consider using Location Works.

2. East London Rooftop. 

The next location we looked at was locations for where we wold film our performance shots. 

The location wide, and had a great view of London. We believed this would be great as it would make the wider shots look full of life and energy. Also, the sunlight would be great, during the day. However, once again when contacting them to use this space, we would need to pay a fee. And as students, we were not able to.

3. National Theatre Rooftop.

This location is the National Theatre Rooftop, which was in the heart of Waterloo, London. The view was beautiful. As I've been to the National Theatre rooftop many times, I already knew that when wanting to use the space, we would only need to fill out a permission form.


Therefore, this rooftop space would be a location we would consider for our performance shots. 

4. The Wine Leaf off license.

This location would be for the first scene where the couple robs a store. We chose this store as it was easy to go to, and also we knew the owners of the store.


So therefore, this location will be one of the ones we consider. 



5. Waterloo Underpass. 

We chose to look at Waterloo underpass, for the scene where our actors would fight with the enemies, this space was good as it had a great aesthetic and everything. However, it would be a busy section as it is in waterloo, which is rather popular.

6. South Kensington. 

Then we also looked at South Kensington underpass, which had great warm colours, which would be good for filming with. However, once again it was a busy station and therefore would be difficult to film in.

7. Underpass near my house. 

The last underpass we looked at was a short alley way near, my house. This was a good alleyway as when the sun set, it had great lighting and created a type of  mysterious atmosphere. 


So therefore, we will consider this as a location for our fighting scene. 

8. Golden Lane. 

This car park is in East London,  it was very spacious and the colours were pretty good. However, the distance to travel would be quite far.

Also, when Lesley [team member] travelled to the venue, she noticed that we couldn't bring a car into the car park without having a permit, which therefore we couldn't use this location. 

9. Sainsbury's Car park.

This car park we looked at was in Colliers Wood. It's the car park for sainsbury's, and it's free of charge to park in for a certain amount of time. Also, even though the lighting isn't that great. We can colour correct the footage when it comes to editing.


So therefore, we decided to use this carpark for the mafia scene. 

10. Southbank. 

We then needed extra shots for establishing shots, performance and for wide shots. Therefore by looking at South bank there was mainly locations that we can use for free.


Therefore, southbank location has a range of features to it and therefore will be great to use for a location.

11. Ruby's House. 

For the hotel scene in our music video, Ruby suggested that since her house has a guest bedroom that has a double bed, it would be good to use. Therefore, we decided that since it had a great space we would use this for when the couple steals the money from the mafia. 

12. Ruby's House pt.2

Also, for the boys bedroom. Ruby said that we could use her sofa bed in her room, as it was big and looked quite like boyish. Also, the space is big, so we would use this for the boy's bedroom in the music video. 

12. Destinie's House. 

We looked at my living room for the robbing the house scene. My living room is rather bright and space-ish which would be good to film inside. 

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