Promotional Case Studies. 

Ariana Grande.

Here is the front page of Ariana Grande's website, there are three main images that are shown on her website. The use of these different images it to raise awareness for new projects that Ariana Grande is working on that her audience might be interested in. The first image promotes her merchandise which can be found on her website where her target audience can purchase it. The second images shows a new app that Ariana Grande has created that her target audience will be able to interact with, lastly the third image is of Ariana Grande's "Dangerous Woman" Tour, the name of the tour is also the same name as her most recent album. This then would allow her target audience to listen to her new album, buy it and also want to go on tour to see Ariana Grande perform live. This is effective in marketing and promotion as immediately when the audience looks at the website, they will be intrigued to know which new products are out and would want to purchase them - which leads to Ariana Grande's new products  becoming more popular.

The use of the news section on Ariana Grande's website can help her target audience to know new singles she's created, new music videos and tour dates. This would help keep her fanbase up to date with most recent things.

On the other side of the website shows Ariana Grande's newest album, with all her songs on there. This helps promote her new album, and allows her target audience to easily access it as every song would be on her website.

Also, on Ariana Grande's website she has a navigation toolbar at the top of her website, this helps her audience to navigate their way around the website effortlessly. On this page shows Ariana Grande's most recent music video 'Everyday'. Essentially this is good way of marketing and promoting because the website helps promote her music video so her fan base are aware of any new music videos she creates.  Also, not only does her website promote her music videos but they also help promote any live performances that she does, which can also allow her target audience to want to see her perform live [ such as on tour ].

On Ariana Grande's gallery page her photos consists of professional ones such as ones that are seen in her music video, and also ones she has done for photo shoots to promote any new merchandise she has created. However, her gallery page is also selfies and photos of her friends that she has taken herself. This shows that her gallery both consist of professional and personal photos, which will make the target audience feel like they have an interaction with her, and therefore feel more connected to her. 

Overall, when looking at Ariana Grande's website, album cover, and one of her music videos for 'Dangerous Woman [Acapella]' there was a great link between them all. The digipak's font for Ariana Grande's name is the same one used at the top left hand corner of her website. Also, the merchandise uses the same photo of Ariana Grande's album cover for 'Dangerous Woman', by having this on the website it shows a link between the digipak and the website. The website also plays music videos and has direct links to other platforms such as her Instagram, this helps her audience connect with her directly. Overall, the website, the music video and the digipak all promote each other successfully, and are used in conjunction to create a promotional package.

Website font for Ariana Grande's name.

Sabrina Claudio. 

On Sabrina Claudio's website, the front page immediately shows the audience that she has released a new album, her website helps promote the new album. Also, the website promotes the music video as when you click onto the still image, it plays the music video on YouTube, whilst still on the website.

When hovering over the 'Download' or 'Stream' toolbar it gives options to where you can get Sabrina Claudio's new music for easy access. This helps the audience locate her music and be able to listen to it easily. 

Also, on the bottom of the website shows Sabrina Claudio's range of social media to keep her target audience up to date with what she does personally and also her new music that she has. By placing it on the website helps the audience once again, to have easy access to finding out new things about Sabrina Claudio which is a good marketing and promotion technique.

On Sabrina Claudio's website, each photograph is of her, this allows her to be the focal point of the website, and therefore her audience will always be able to identify who is the artist. Also the use of different photographs of Sabrina Claudio is photographed well which will be appealing to the target audience, and encourage them to listen to her music and also buy her music. Also her type of outfits, are rather ethereal and pure which can suggest the type of star image she wants to go for.

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