Helpful Tips & Etiquette for
Bicycles on Caltrain
Going far?
Later stops go towards the back.
Short trip?
Early stops stay in the front.
Find similar bikes
Stack bicycles with neighboring stops.
Stack bikes neatly
Keep bikes vertical and stacked together securely.
Have bags?
Take them to your seat or store them in a luggage rack.
Is your bike on top?
Prepare to depart earlier, allowing others to retrieve their bikes.
Not on a bicycle?
Please sit in the next car, allowing others to stay near their bikes.
Not on a bicycle?
Please sit in the next car, allowing others to stay near their bikes.
Ask a question
If you're unsure, ask a Caltrain staff member.
Icon Attributions
Train designed by Edward Boatman from the Noun Project
- Bicycle designed by Edward Boatman from the Noun Project
- Arrowed designed by Icomatic from the Noun Project
- Stopwatch designed by Ryan Dell from the Noun Project
- Tag designed by NAS from the Noun Project
- Shopping designed by Juan Pablo Bravo from the Noun Project
- Thumbs Up designed by Alv Jørgen Bovolden from the Noun Project
- Arrow by Jamison Wieser from The Noun Project
Helpful Tips & Etiquette for Bicycles on Cal train This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .