Detailed Analysis

on Forrest Gump

Film opening

By Faraz Malik

The Video

The opening scene of the movie 'Forrest Gump' starts off with a tracking shot of a white feather, which indicates innocence and purity. While the camera is following the movements of the feather, the background of which the film is set in is being displayed. The trees are strikingly green, which stereotypically means purity and calmness, overall set the smooth tone to the film and allows the audience to feel at ease by seeing the clean roads. It is because of a smooth tone that the audience isnt expecting any enigmas, also the titles that are displayed on the screen are white, which fits with the calm and peacful mood of the film. The scene is very light which suggests that the film is going to be light-hearted.

There is a non-diegetic music being played in the background, this music in particular is extremely effective, reason being it's beat and tone is parallel to the moving feather. ​The entire opening scene consists of wide shots and medium close ups of the feather and then of the main character ‘Forrest’ himself. The scene starts of with wide shots as the feather is floating down. The camera pans and tracks the movements of the feather.

The lighting that is used is completely natural; no artificial lighting is used in order to maintain a smooth and calm tone. The fact that as the music starts, the lighting gets brighter may suggest that a happy incident is about to occur. The lighting and both location are ordinary which the audience can connote that not every hero is born in an extraordinary place, but in the most ordinary places of all.
The whole opening scene is captured in one single shot and the camera angle does not change until the bus arrives at the bus stop. There are two different feathers used in the opening scene, one that has been edited and one that actually landed on Forrest’s feet.
In the opening scene we see many people including Forrest, which may suggest that the location isn’t a lonely place, but it shows that it is a regular place with regular people where men are wearing suits and females are wearing more casual, but smart outfits. The characters overall as we see are dressed in smart modern clothing from which we can also assume that the era this film is set in maybe the 90’s
There are two other main props that are used, other than the feather; in the opening scene are Forrest’s suitcase and his box of chocolates

The Feather:
The feather is the main prop, which is used since it is the main focus of the opening sequence. The feather is white as well as the opening titles, which may suggest purity in the film. Stereotypically a bird represents freedom, it is a unique creature with the ability to roam free in the sky with its wings stretched out and freely flying with no problems, that feather belongs to a bird which automatically allows the audience to determine that it means freedom and purity. When the feather lands on Gump’s feet it shows that Gump may have the same personality, he is free and has no problems holding him back, he is satisfied with himself and is a pure human being.

The suitcase:
There are many things in his suitcase such as a children’s book from which the viewer can assume that Gump’s personality may be very childish as he still enjoys reading children’s book. Also in his suitcase there are man other things that are absolutely essential for daily use such as toothpaste and clothes which ma lead the audience to think that Forrest is going to an adventure or maybe coming from an adventure. It also shows that he might be homeless and just carries all his stuff around and sleeps wherever he finds shelter. We can also think that the narrative ma be his journey.

The box of chocolate:
The box of chocolates is well decorated with a bow on it, which may suggest that Forrest is meeting up with someone, most likely to be a female friend. The box of chocolates show some qualities of Forrest’s character which are that since the box is a gift for someone it shows he is a very kind and gentle person, he is giving and a loving person because he likes to do things which make other people happy.

Since Forrest Gump is the main character of the film, most likely to be called a hero of the film. As being a hero of the film he certainly has unheroic qualities but that’s what this film shows, that heroes are born in regular places, not ever hero wears a cape and has extraordinary powers. The feather, for me, represents freedom but mostly I think it represents Forrest himself.

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