
What is a database

  • store data : so it can be persisted
  • structure data : so it is easier to manipulate
  • process data : to derive data value from it


  • a standard interface for accessing data
  • multiple user with simultaneous ability to modify data.
  • changes to the data without risk of losing data
  • tools for data backup, restore and recovery
  • security


  • relational database management system (RDBMS) 
  • based on the relational model

    Relational Data Model means: 
  • tables 
  • rows
  • colums
  • data type

ER diagram

dataBase Design

     Primary keys
  • uniquely specifies an record within a table
  • composed from one or more data attributes of that data entity.
    Foreign keys
  • a field in a relational table that matches the primary key column of another table
  • way of providing quicker access to data.

Database normalization

  • there are no repeating or duplicate keys
  • each records is unique
  • each cell contains only a value

  • all non-keys fields depend on all components of the primary key
  • no non-key field depends upon another


Structured Query Language 

   DDLdefines properties of data objects
create, alter, drop 
   DML: used to retrieve, add, edit and delete data
select, insert, update, delete 
   DCL : controls acces to databases objects
grant, revoke 
   Transaction control: groups dml statements into trasactions
 commit, rollback

Database transaction

  • unit of work performed within a database management system against a database
  • by defition is ACID: atomic, consistent, isolated and durable
BEGIN WORK //do work here
//commit or rollback at the end of the workCOMMIT  ROLLBACK  

Create tables

CREATE TABLE employee (
   firstName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   lastName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
   hiredDate DATE,
   salary INT, 
   PRIMARY KEY ( id )
  • NOT NULL is being used because we do not want this field to be NULL. 
  • AUTO_INCREMENT tells to MySQL to go ahead and add the next available number to the id field.
  • PRIMARY KEY is used to define a column as primary key. You can use multiple columns separated by comma to define a primary key.

Select statement

select * from employee;
select * from employee where salary > 1000;
select * from employee order by salary desc;
  • Where: only some rows are returned
  • Group by: allows you to consolidate the query
  • Order by: allows you to sort the query

Aggregate functions

  • Count
 select count(*) from employee;
  • Sum
select sum(salary) from employee;

select sum(salary) from employee group by departamentId;

Insert statement

 insert into employee(id, firstName, lastName) values ( 1, "Posa", "Bogdan");

Update statement

update employee set salary = 1000;
update employee set salary = 1000 where id = 1; 

Delete statement

delete from employee;
delete from employee where id = 1; 


begin work;
delete from employee;
select * from employee;


  • inner join
 select * from employee e 
   join departament d on = e.departamentId
  • left join
 select * from employee e    left join departament d on = e.departamentId;

  • right join
 select * from employee e 
   right join departament d on = e.departamentId;

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