Dog? Got It!

Made By: 

Surya Krishna Moorthy

...and a little  

and The Brande(o)n(s)


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Dog? Got It!

What Went Well

  • A lot! We were always on the same page. Communication was key.

  • Defined roles early for each specific page.

  • We always gave each other firm deadlines to complete our respective portions of the code.

  • Every time we made our specific pull requests, we always explained to each other in person or in Slack what our code did, and what we specifically wanted the other person to do.

What Went Poopy

  • A couple issues with code overlap in the beginning, which resulted in a few merge conflicts. 
  • Sometimes the code that one person requested turned out differently than what he or she originally wanted.
  • A few issues with sending the pull requests to the right repo.
  • Sometimes forgetting to pull to the master branch and merging it with my personal branch
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