Brett Haymaker, JavaScript Consultant & instructor
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What are our wins?
Review the site below:
Define CSS Box Model, and demonstrate the ability to properly manipulate the "box" around tags.
Select nested elements to apply styling.
Apply inline and block attributes to a page.
Utilize external stylesheets to apply style.
Explore relative links using images and anchor tags
Describe and identify use cases for normalize.css and reset.css files.
Every element in your web page is a rectangular box. This box consists of 4 distinct parts:
What's the difference? Experiment!
Elements can be nested inside of one another... We use indentation to visually communicate this nested hierarchy.
The CSS display property has three main options, and it's important to know how those options alter the orientation and the flow of elements on the page.
1. display: block;
2. display: inline;
3. display: inline-block;
See Slack for project files.
Begin building this landing page. Use the images and the design file to get started.
Break down the page in smaller pieces and tackle one piece at a time.
Check our slack channel for the link!