Brett Parker Sap - How to face the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Brett Parker sap 4IR

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or simply, the 4IR, as it is usually called in the Anglo-Saxon world, is going from being the buzzword to becoming a reality.


That is exactly what we are experiencing with the current wave of technological transformation. Advances such as robotics, machine learning, 3D printing, the Internet of Things and blockchain, are changing not only the way industries operate but, in many cases, the business models on which they are based.

Initially, the 4IR was greeted with a mixture of enthusiasm and immobility. Now, most industry leaders view this phenomenon with contained optimism. And it is that although there are already systemic changes on the way - such as the development of digital operations that connect all assets, the design of connected products and the management, in real time, of the digital links that link all these products with customers - and Manufacturers recognize the potential of the most advanced technologies and innovation in digital matters, they also keep trying to decide in which baskets they should lay their eggs and not lose their heads with hype and be realistic about their level of preparation and expertise.

Nor do they forget another of the great effects of the 4IR: its significant impact on what will become an entirely new industrial workforce.

The change is definitive - and, in fact, inevitable - that industrial companies will make towards 4IR as they integrate new technologies into their operations, their supply chain and their product portfolio.

However, a closer look shows that, although it is true that the 4IR will make some jobs no longer necessary, it also presents opportunities for these professionals.

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