"Unwinding a big problem for web standards at large in a way that is hopefully ultimately also good for igalia."
Perception: The data shows we just don't care
~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997
~45 elements 1997-2000
~35 elements 2000-2014
~5 elements 2014-2021
~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997
~45 elements 1997-2000
9 years: 120 elements
That's roughly 13 a year.
More than one a month.
If we still cared, we'd have 72 more elements between 2014-2020
"The CSS Working Group set their minds to grid, defined it and got everyone to ship it in a couple of months"
Very much not that
~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997
~45 elements 1997-2000
~35 elements 2004-2014
~5 elements 2014-2021
The dates are totally arbitrary, this kind of isn't how it works.
~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997
~45 elements 1997-2000
~35 elements 2004-2014
~5 elements 2014-2021
~20 freebies, ~30 deprecated, ~30 of debatable value
A considerably small number of "really good" inventions, most w/mistakes for the first 19 years
~40 elements pre 1995
35 elements 1995-1997
~45 elements 1997-2000
~35 elements 2004-2014
~5 elements 2014-2021
How can we empower/enlist more help/fix mistakes?
It's early. It takes time.
How can we do better?
There have been proposals!
And new enabling elements/attributes
Google's were an illustration of how this kind of communication breakdown has outsized impacts...
* trying something new
1) Fix the stuff that kinda exists already (ex. a styleable <select> without the same limits)
We're playing the wrong game.
<h2>Tab 1</h2>
<div>Tab 1 panel content</div>
<h2>Tab 2</h2>
<div>Tab 2 panel content</div>
Let's experiment with this, together
We're trying to figure it out..
Goal -- this is wildly wrong currently
Top or Bottom
+ Left (+ right?)
Top or Bottom