These demos are running in a fork of Chromium developed by Igalia
Container Queries?
How to get there?
Achievable steps that begin answering hard questions and shipping pieces
Tell us what you think!
Math, and Graphics
HTML+ examples..
Math and Graphics
Math and Graphics
(MathML/SVG appear hundreds of times in
Let's make these things less special...
One Web.
SVG has a head-start here and another interesting challenge/opportunity
Nikolas will tell you about that -
first, briefly... MathML
Informed by implementations, modern alignment - like SVG
Some good resolutions already in WebKit...
Currently 2323 Tests!
We'd like to find ways to work better on some of the challenges that remain, even pre-WG because relaying significant gaps in context is especially inefficient.
[href] / default tabindex
Practical success, looking forward.