Believe it or not...
There's history of us trying to make
machines that 'speak' or 'listen' going
back to the 1700s
Bell Labs demonstrated digital voice
synthesis at the World's Fair in 1939
If you find this interesting, I wrote a whole
piece on The History of Speech
1991: The Web
October 1, 1994: W3C Founded
December 15, 1994: Netscape Released
Microsoft didn't really enter the picture in a serious way until ~1996
<object ID="AgentControl" width="0" height="0" CLASSID="clsid:D45FD31B-5C6E-11D1-9EC1-00C04FD7081F" CODEBASE="http://server/path/msagent.exe#VERSION=2,0,0,0">
But wow.... 1997!!!
That got a lot of people thinking about speech on the Web...
1998 CSS2 Aural Stylesheets
March 1999
AT&T Corporation, IBM, Lucent, and Motorola formed the VoiceXML Forum
Handed over to W3C in 2000
AskJeves, AT&T, Avaya, BT, Canon, Cisco, France Telecon, General Magic, Hitachi, HP, IBM, isSound, Intel, Locus Dialogue, Lucent, Microsoft, Mitre, Motorola, Nokia, Nortel, Nuance, Phillips, PipeBeach, Speech Works, Sun, Telecon Italia,, and Unisys
Like HTML, but for... wait... I'm confused.
For the next decade...
They got a lot more than they bargained for...
But more than that they got actual competing draft proposals from Google, Microsoft, Mozilla and Voxeo as well
OK... so let's talk about where we are now...
A top-level object
An utterance is the thing that the synthesizer "speaks"
new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(
`Hello Darkness, my old friend`
) is no fun, examples are blocked :(