An Introduction
for Land Use Change Science
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first open Google Earth Engine
I hope you signed up for an account already!
Click anywhere in the map pane and then
look in the "Inspector" window
there are many ways to do this...
I will show you how to:
Zoom to your country.
Place a box around it using the "geometry tools".
Change the color to transparent
it will create a new variable called "geometry"
alternatively - Use this tool
var image = ee.Image('CGIAR/SRTM90_V4');
Map.setCenter(-112.8598, 36.2841, 9);
// define the variable to instantiate an image with the Image constructor - calling a Digital Elevation Model
var image = ee.Image('CGIAR/SRTM90_V4');
// Center on the Grand Canyon and zoom there.
Map.setCenter(-112.8598, 36.2841, 9);
// Display the image on the map.
Google Earth Engine and run it!
// define the variable to instantiate an image with the Image constructor - calling a Digital Elevation Model
var image = ee.Image('CGIAR/SRTM90_V4');
// Load a country border as a region of interest (roi) and then select your country
var countries = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017');
var roi = countries.filterMetadata('country_na', 'equals', 'Aruba');
//center map on that country
//render it to the map
// define the variable to instantiate an image with the Image constructor - calling a Digital Elevation Model
var image = ee.Image('CGIAR/SRTM90_V4');
// Calculate slope.
var slope = ee.Terrain.slope(image);
var elevation ='elevation');
// Load a country border as a region of interest (roi).
var countries = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017');
var roi = countries.filterMetadata('country_na', 'equals', 'Aruba');
// Clip the image to the region of interest.
slope = slope.clip(roi);
var DEM = elevation.clip(roi)
// Displaying slope and elevation for the region of interest and naming the layers
var visualization_slope = {min: 0, max: 45, palette:'yellow,red'};
Map.addLayer(slope, visualization_slope, "slope");
//display elevation - stretch based on the highest and lowest value in the country
var visualization_DEM = {min: 0, max: 190, palette:'yellow,red'};
Map.addLayer(DEM, visualization_DEM, "DEM");
// define// define the variable to instantiate an image with the Image constructor - calling a Digital Elevation Model
var image = ee.Image('CGIAR/SRTM90_V4');
// Calculate slope.
var slope = ee.Terrain.slope(image);
var elevation ='elevation');
// Load a country border as a region of interest (roi).
var countries = ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017');
var roi = countries.filterMetadata('country_na', 'equals', 'Aruba');
// Clip the image to the region of interest.
slope = slope.clip(roi);
var DEM = elevation.clip(roi)
// Displaying slope and elevation for the region of interest and naming the layers
var visualization_slope = {min: 0, max: 40, palette:'yellow,red'};
Map.addLayer(slope, visualization_slope, "slope");
var visualization_DEM = {min: 0, max: 190, palette:'yellow,red'};
Map.addLayer(DEM, visualization_DEM, "DEM");
//you will need to update this value based on the highest elevation in your country
var palette = ["yellow", "red"]
var vis = {min: 0, max: 190, palette: palette};
var nSteps = 10
// Creates a color bar thumbnail image for use in legend from the given color palette
function makeColorBarParams(palette) {
return {
bbox: [0, 0, nSteps, 0.1],
dimensions: '100x10',
format: 'png',
min: 0,
max: nSteps,
palette: palette,
var nSteps = 10
// Create the colour bar for the legend
var colorBar = ui.Thumbnail({
image: ee.Image.pixelLonLat().select(0).int(),
params: makeColorBarParams(vis.palette),
style: {stretch: 'horizontal', margin: '0px 8px', maxHeight: '24px'},
// Create a panel with three numbers for the legend
var legendLabels = ui.Panel({
widgets: [
ui.Label(vis.min, {margin: '4px 8px'}),
((vis.max-vis.min) / 2+vis.min),
{margin: '4px 8px', textAlign: 'center', stretch: 'horizontal'}),
ui.Label(vis.max, {margin: '4px 8px'})
layout: ui.Panel.Layout.flow('horizontal')
// Legend title
var legendTitle = ui.Label({
value: 'Elevation (meters)',
style: {fontWeight: 'bold'}
// Add the legendPanel to the map
var legendPanel = ui.Panel([legendTitle, colorBar, legendLabels]);
two ways to do this...
click on the layer itself,
or programmatically
/ Export the image
image: slope,
region: roi,
description: 'Slope',
scale: 30,
image: DEM,
region: roi,
description: 'DEM',
scale: 30,
We are not going to worry about this right now...
2. Then also render a false color composite layer
3. Change the date of images
// What does each line of code do?
var S2_collection = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2")
.filterDate('2020-01-01', '2020-12-31')
.filterMetadata('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE', 'less_than', 10);
var S2_display = {bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], min: 0, max: 3000};
var S2_mosaic = S2_collection.median().clip(geometry);
Map.addLayer(S2_mosaic, S2_display, "Sentinel-2");
// Normalized Difference example.
// Compute Normalized Difference Vegetation Index over MOD09GA product.
// NDVI = (NIR - RED) / (NIR + RED), where
// RED is sur_refl_b01, 620-670nm
// NIR is sur_refl_b02, 841-876nm
var img = ee.Image('MOD09GA/MOD09GA_005_2012_03_09');
var ndvi = img.normalizedDifference(['sur_refl_b02', 'sur_refl_b01']);
var palette = ['FFFFFF', 'CE7E45', 'DF923D', 'F1B555', 'FCD163', '99B718',
'74A901', '66A000', '529400', '3E8601', '207401', '056201',
'004C00', '023B01', '012E01', '011D01', '011301'];
Map.setCenter(-94.84497, 39.01918, 8);
Map.addLayer(['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b04', 'sur_refl_b03']),
{gain: '0.1, 0.1, 0.1'}, 'MODIS bands 1/4/3');
Map.addLayer(ndvi, {min: 0, max: 1, palette: palette}, 'NDVI');
then more change parameters
notice how many datasets focus on the Netherlands!
I need the following
//calling landsat 8 images - only looking for imagery that covers a single point. Searching for images between these dates
var aruba = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1')
.filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Point(-69.9735, 12.5037))
.filterDate('2014-01-01', '2019-12-31');
// Sort by a cloud cover property, get the least cloudy image. The print statements means I can use the console and inspector window to read metadata
var image = ee.Image(aruba.sort('CLOUD_COVER').first());
print('Least cloudy image: ', image);
//only show me the following bands represetned as a true color composite in the map display
var trueColor432 =['B4', 'B3', 'B2']);
var trueColor432Vis = {
min: 0.0,
max: 30000.0,
//Centered on Aruba
Map.setCenter(-69.9735, 12.5037, 10);
//add map layer
Map.addLayer(trueColor432, trueColor432Vis, 'True Color (432)');
make false color composite
what is possible?
This band combination is also called the near infrared (NIR) composite. It uses near-infrared (5), red (4) and green (3). Because chlorophyll reflects near infrared light, this band composition is useful for analyzing vegetation. In particular, areas in red have better vegetation health. Dark areas are water and urban areas are white.
//calling landsat 8 images - only looking for imagery that covers a single point. Searching for images between these dates
var tonga = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1')
.filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Point(-175.2312, -21.1612))
.filterDate('2014-01-01', '2019-12-31');
// Sort by a cloud cover property, get the least cloudy image.
var image = ee.Image(tonga.sort('CLOUD_COVER').first());
print('Least cloudy image: ', image);
//only show me the following bands to highlight vegitation NIR composite in the map display - notice I change the variable names
var NIR =['B5', 'B4', 'B3']);
var NIRColor543Vis = {
min: 0.0,
max: 30000.0,
//Centered on Tonga and show me in the map changed variable names
Map.setCenter(-175.2312, -21.1612, 6);
Map.addLayer(NIR, NIRColor543Vis, 'veg (543)');
Calculate NDVI for this specific image
lots of options!
You may want to export data to use in ArcGIS/QGIS
Make a map for your wall
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lots of options!
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