Cosmic Strings

Bodo Schwabe

University of Zaragoza

with adaptive mesh refinement

Axion Strings 

strings = 1D-loops with phase changing 2pi around them

energy in phase gradient diverges - but decreasing modulus

Scale Separation

inter-string separation

string core size

axion decay constant

Hubble scale

  • Cosmic expansion increases separation (solution PRS strings)
  • not feasible on 3D uniform grids
  • possible solution: adaptive mesh refinement around 1D strings (2048^3 root grid and 6 additional levels -> 11 e-folds)
    [Buschmann arXiv:2108.05368]

[Drew, Shellard, arXiv:1910.01718]

Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR)

  • Tag cells for refinement using string plaquettes [ Leesa Fleury, Guy D. Moore,  2015, arXiv:1509.00026 ] or gradients
  • create new grids with progressively more resolution on higher levels
  • Use MPI communication to transfer interpolated data between grids and levels
  • subcycling: use smaller time steps on higher resolved levels
  • possibly use different methods on different levels 

We extended AxioNyx for AMR string simulations

Use AMR to keep string resolution fixed

[Buschmann arXiv:2108.05368]

AMR can improve current extrapolations

[Gorghetto, arXiv: 1806.04677, 2007.04990 ]

[Buschmann arXiv:2108.05368]

[Buschmann arXiv:2108.05368]

q=1 \rightarrow m_a = 65 \pm 6 \mu eV

Potential issues

  • Interpolation between levels
  • higher frequency modes are discarded when propagating to coarser levels
  • Spectrum only calculated on coarsest level
  • lots of refinement if strings are too close together (physical strings are ideal as refinement levels increase while refined volume decreases)
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