Benedikt Eggemeier & Bodo Schwabe
(University of Göttingen)
A. Vaquero, J. Redondo, and J. Stadler, JCAP, April 2019
Initial conditions
evolved with Gadget3-code
BE, J. Redondo, K. Dolag, J.C. Niemeyer, A. Vaquero, arXiv: 1911.09417
BE, J. Redondo, K. Dolag, J.C. Niemeyer, and A. Vaquero, arXiv: 1911.09417
matter-radiation equality
BE, J. Redondo, K. Dolag, J.C. Niemeyer, and A. Vaquero, arXiv: 1911.09417
H.-Y. Schive, T. Chiueh, and T. Broadhurst, Nature Physics, 2014
Madelung transformation:
Initial phase:
Phase evolution:
Construction of wavefunction:
Note: Classical density -> no gradient energy and interference effects
J. Veltmaat, J. C. Niemeyer, and BS, Physical Review D, August 2018.
Velocity distribution:
Maxwellian distribution:
J. Veltmaat, J. C. Niemeyer, and BS, arXiv:1911.09614, November 2019.
Initial conditions
BE, and J.C. Niemeyer, Phys. Rev. D, September 2019
overall structure similar to DM halos and their central cores in FDM simulations
A. Vaquero, J. Redondo, and J. Stadler, JCAP, April 2019
BE, and J.C. Niemeyer, Phys. Rev. D, September 2019
D.G. Levkov, A.G. Panin, I.I. Tkachev, Phys. Rev. Lett., October 2018
BE, and J.C. Niemeyer, Phys. Rev. D, September 2019
BS, J. C. Niemeyer, and J. F. Engels, Physical Review D, August 2016.
BS, J. C. Niemeyer, and J. F. Engels, Physical Review D, August 2016.
X. Du, C. Behrens, J. C. Niemeyer, and BS, Physical Review D, February 2017.
Local dark matter density is not yet well constrained but important for haloscope experiments
-- Need further dedicated axion structure formation simulations --