@reverentgeek drew this
@reverentgeek drew this
I drew this
I don't know
Again, not information I had prior to this presentation
I can't draw everyone. You get the idea.
In fact, this presentation needs a new title.
Let me tell you a story
it aint
Nobody wanted to dishes. Even the dog wouldn't come in the room.
As you can see it has been expertly dismantled
FYI: there are a lot of screws in a dishwasher
Nothing. Get it? Because the slide is blank?
Waste drains from the sink into the disposal
Water drains out of the dishwasher thru this tube
Waste drains to sewer thru here
There is nothing to stop water and waste from flowing back down the dishwasher tube...
...And getting stuck right here
The poop, rotten shrimp and pear smell then drifts back up the tube and...
...the smell finds it's way back through the dishwasher and into my nose
Raise the hose.
Vue doesn't require you to learn something complex to use it.
All you have to do is raise the hose.
Small API. You can learn ALL of it in about a week.
This is the Vue Getting Started Page
It is only 1400 words long. Including code samples.
It teaches you Binding, Looping, Conditionals, Components and more.
Just include it. That's it. Srsly.
Virtually Zero Boilerplate
It's Familiar. It feels a lot like Angular.
Binding Syntax
Looping Syntax
Components. With no ceremony.
You. I hope. But maybe you are difficult to impress.
Remember Angular directives?
Super powerful. A bit on the complex side of extremely difficult.
Directives are, dare I say it, EASY?
Vue "hook" functions
Components and Directives
Use Components Most Of The Time
Use Directives when you need low level DOM access
Zero Configuration Projects
$ vue init webpack-simple new-vue-app
I don't like popular things. I listen to Radiohead.
Github stars are not facts. Just interesting data points.
Whoa! Looking good, Backbone!
This presentation brought to you by vuecasts. Thanks, Jeffrey!
Slides are at slides.com/burke/vue