Gun Violence in America
Caitlin Begg
Sociology 133
Gun violence deaths in the US:
Causes of Death in US per 100,000
I will be analyzing gun violence in America in terms of its organizational violence and challenges to society.
I intend to explore the balance of crime
and rationality in terms of the United States government refraining from enacting
gun safety laws.
How can we effectively deal with high levels of crime and propaganda to eliminate this organizational challenge from society?
Bacevich's notion of blind faith in American values
"The tilt had gone too far" ... "The Key, wrote Colonel Summers, was to dray a "clear distinction between war and peace". In Vietnam, a murky conflict that had dragged on endlessly and aimlessly, that distinction had been lost..." (Bacevich)
Futurist Manifesto... love of danger, aggressive action, revolt (Marinetti)
Aggressive nationalism / antidemocratic fascism (Mann)
Guns as a "culture shaping force" (Ehrenreich) associated with nationalistic sentiment
Used as propaganda by NRA to block gun safety laws
Discipline in relation to concepts of domination and power and asceticism (isolation, self-denial) (Weber)
"On one occasion, we were even kept going for forty-eight hours straight"... Longing for order (Junger)
Disillusionment... drunk on nationalistic sentiment; suspending idea of right and wrong (Freud)
"Fear and Madness have been man's companions in war since the beginning of recorded history, and, most probably, before that." (Gabriel)
Wars are costly but continue to occur... we misunderstand how our actions produce it (Fearon)
Cost of gun violence estimated to be ~$100 billion in '98 (Ludwig and Cook)
"90 percent of Americans support background checks for all gun purchases is true, when Americans are asked if they support stricter gun laws in general, they split on partisan lines and support for gun control drops below 50 percent" ... move beyond partisan lines for discipline, democratization, and rational legislation