A Yiddish word, meaning
accumulator of knowledge
What is it?
Declarative build system
automatic dependency management
concept: Lifecycle
A set of sequential transitions (or phases) traversed in the transformation.
To each phase, a goal to perform on the partial product in that state of transition is bound.
A phase is also a hook to bind more goals, and a way for a goal to require is execution in a precise transition.
Default lifecycle
- validate
- compile
- test
- package
- integration-test
- verify
- install
The concept
code + resources (main and test)
-> lifecycle ->
Conv over conf
- Sources
- Artifacts
- Packaging
Conv: source
A part of source defines the artifact, the rest is for testing.
Each part contains java code and resources. (in the simplest case!)
Conv: source
Conv: artifact
An artifact is identified by its coordinates:
artifactId (the name of the artifact itself)
groupId (conventionally the reversed company's domain)
version (major.minor[-SNAPSHOT])
(snaphot is the "development", or "not stable" state of an artifact)
Conv: packages
From the artifact coordinates, a convention about class packaging:
(everyone is creative about this)
groupId.artifactId.(whatever you want)
This makes easy, given a full-qualified class, know from which artifact it comes from.
An artifact could depend on more artifacts.
It just need to be declared in its descriptor (POM).
Maven will take care of find and retrieve the artifact for us, using its coordinates.
API + "maven plugin" artifacts.
Integrating a plugin is easy, but you have to write it in java.
WARNING: writing a plugin that defines a new lifecycle is HELL.