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A telephony love story
(All about . . . . )
cheap openWRT boxes (Netgear WGT-634U)
Using Asterisk with historic phone sets
;;Simple speech recognition
exten => 1234,1,Answer()
same => n,Wait(1)
same => n,Playback(nPlease)
same => n(start),agi(speech-recog.agi,en-US,,,NOBEEP)
same => n,Verbose(1,The text you just said is: ${utterance})
same => n,Set(CALLED_PARTY=${STRREPLACE(utterance,"-","")})
same => n,Playback(uEntered)
same => n,SayDigits(${CALLED_PARTY})
same => n,Verbose(1,And the parsed number is: ${CALLED_PARTY})
same => n,Verbose(1,The probability to be right is: ${confidence})
same => n,Playback(verifyNumber)
same => n,agi(speech-recog.agi,en-US,,,NOBEEP)
same => n,Verbose(1,The text in your command is: ${utterance})
same => n,GoToIf($["${utterance}" = "yes"]?approved:test2)
same => n(test2),GoToIf($["${utterance}" = "yeah"]?approved:retry)
same => n(retry),Verbose(1,We need to try again)
same => n,Playback(beep)
same => n,GoTo(start)
same => n(approved),Playback(uRconnecting)
same => n,Dial(Motif/google/1${CALLED_PARTY}@voice.google.com,,r)
same => n,Hangup()