Maybe Nemo
Ordered or Unordered pair of exactly 2 vertices.
Fundamental unit of a graph. Think of it as a point. Can be disconnected.
Ordered Pair G =(V, E)
V = Set of vertices
E = Set of edges
Edges are two way
Edge(a,b) != Edge(b,a)
Edges have no orientation.
Edge(a,b) = Edge(b,a)
In the asymmetric TSP, paths may not exist in both directions or the distances might be different, forming a directed graph.
One-way streets, for eg.
The distance between two cities is the same in each opposite direction, forming an undirected graph.
This symmetry halves the number of possible solutions.
Most common type of TSP.
undirected weighted graph
city = graph's vertices
path = graph's edges
distance = edge's length
Minimize total distance after visiting all vertices.
Often, graph is complete as well
Year | Vertices |
1954 | 49 Cities (USA) |
1971 | 64 Points |
1975 | 80 Points |
1977 | 120 Cities (Germany) |
1987 | 318 Points |
1987 | 532, 666, 1002, 2392 |
1992 | 3038 Points |
Computer Chip Production
In Pursuit
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